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Is the sour worms part a reference to something or is that just something Americans do?


This song is supposed to be a joke, he's being silly you see.


So it is just lolsorandum xd? Or is it something that manchild commonly do?


You wanna quote the line or do you expect me to watch the whole vid?


From 2m36s:
> Everyday when I wake up I eat a bag of sour worms.
It is repeated four times while the guy is stuffing sour worms in his mouth while laying in bed.


I dunno. I never buy candy nor do I associate with anyone who buys candy. Candy is strictly for the children of irresponsible poor people. If you are an adult who buys candy for themself god help you.


Maturity isnt aesthetics.
Candy isnt all processed slop.


Just tried sour worms. I get it now.


I miss him so much.


The whole song is about the character never growing up. What do you think?

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