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/siberia/ - Off-topic

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I miss when the internet was ephemeral, especially in chat rooms. Now everything needs to be logged and searchable forever by default or even archived on third-party platforms no matter how stupid and unimportant it is.


File: 1712352184465.jpg (84.4 KB, 584x608, aim_makeitring.jpg)

Indeed I remember AIM had no logs by default but I used a third party app where it would save a log to my computer. I started using it in the first place because women kept trying to gaslight me about what they had and hadn't previously said.

So yeah no logs by default has its downsides as well.


Chat rooms are the only part of the Internet that has always been meant to be ephemeral (and still mostly is to my knowledge).
Think of mail or nntp. Archives for mailing lists or Usenet go back to the early '80s. They operate on the principle that even information of dubious value should be archived when in doubt. If they didn't exist, some of Eric Naggum's wisdom and many of Xah Lee's troll posts might have been lost to history.


the age of 4chan is over like somethingawful before it
we must pioneer new spaces, bring back forums in some form
not only that, but this board and others like it should be shut down, archived, forgotten. salt the earth so that nothing can grow
the internet and especially these corners of it are a fetid, ingrown, rotting mass, it must be pruned if things are to have any hope of improving or even merely maintaining a tolerable condition of life


Well I was a strictly forum user during the golden age of 4chins. I always thought imageboards were stupid because you aren't able to build any relationships with anyone. I always say the image board post is analogous to the bathroom stall scrawl. But now I don't want to build any relationships online. I just want to shitpost. I have met 4 people irl at least I met first on a forum.


imageboards are literally forums
the real future is maybe fediverse stuff, as well as disc0rd (or matrix or xmpp or irc for the real heads)


You may as well complain about TV and radio having recordable casettes allowing people to tape their favorite shows without buying home-video releases


/siberia/ is not archived.


I don't know what you are talking about but the Internet has never been more ephemeral than now. I have old YouTube playlists where 2/3 of the content has been removed. Due to the super-dependencd on 4 hypercommercialized service any form of content is under constant threat from deletion due to various reasons like copyright, demonetization or legal/policy changes.


OP works for the NSA they have copies of everything.


i miss when i fucking cumm'ed


nothing in this life left for me anympre. except for cum


dead internet theory startin to make sense to me everyday


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The Onion predicted this in like 2013


my playlists on youtube are 2/3rds deleted more due to wrongspeak censorship than anything else


imageboards for non *chan users would be the best form of internet community, but they'll never happen. 4chan is the black hole at the center of this dead universe.

for the most part that's undesirable ephemerality. your embarassing teenage twitter account you lost the password to stays up forever as a permanent humilation, your playlist of songs you've loved for years disappears overnight. your imageboards are archived forever and your useful software archival project is DMCA'd instantly.

dead internet theory is a comfortable version of the truth: that some sites shape their userbase in such a way that they're barely distinguishable from bots.
(this is usually for commercial reasons, but sometimes - like 4chan - it just comes from incompetent administration, cowardice, and a lack of vision.)

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