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>get new android phone
>open up phone for first time
>for your review read and accept our terms and conditio…
<i don't agree
>there's no i don't agree button
>permission for samsung to..
<deny all permissions
>choose a wifi netw…
>sorry, without access to the internet we won't be able to fully start up your
>go to a café
>use their wifi
>press accept
>preparing your phone….standby
>you can choose to transfer your apps and…
<no, don't copy
>do you want to send usage statisti…
>sign in with goo…
>if you don't login to google your phone won't be able to use our play sto…
>login to your samsung accou..
lling these recommended and suggested packa…
>get a month freely on our…
<don't care
>enjoy reading factual news with our google discovery on your homescree..
<disable google discovery
>Microsoft OneDrive wants to…
>turn off "send diagnostic data" and "android personalization service"
>unlock OEM
>unlock the bootloader
>by proceeding you will lose your warrant..
>download firmware
>launch magisk
>intiate download mode
>attention! this device has been unlocked and can't be trusted with information, it will be hard for samsung to secure your..
>your device is still no longer running samsung's offical spyware,it's now vunerable to…
>press volume up to continue
>launch google browser
>do you want to synchro…
>download firefox and downloaded ublock
>updates are being install….
>Uninstall update manager
>uninstall galaxy store, samsung cloud, samsung updates, everything samsung
>uninstall google chrome, google chrome Lite, google play store, google services,everything google
>turn sync off
>disallow background services
>turn off phone for now
>eat sim card out of habit

problema, Interpol?


be less hassle to just get a dumb phone


>problema, Interpol?

yeah, took us a few more minutes to learn absolutely everything about your location, actions and conversations, with our huge staff,resources and technology you couldn't even imagine. Please don't waste our and your time when you get the next phone because our technicians would like to go home early.


Should we go visit this comrade, fellow FED?


Waiting for the court to approve the no knock warrant


This is just a copy of a famous greentext but with some modifications based on the newer phones.

Nevertheless, both you and that guy are still being tracked via the hardware THOUGH


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fuck off agent cluseau, shouldn't you be more concerned about chinese policemen in hungray getting access to your intel than me?

i'm just the updater


>are still being tracked via the hardware
is there anything we can do?


Yes. You can cope and seethe.


>is there anything we can do?

no :)


We are I N E D I B L E


right wing,lumpen, petit bourgeois, and bourgeois burgers believe these things sincerely because …
>war is peace
…they think oppressing the third world and stealing their natural resources is the only way to "stay free" in the first world…
>slavery is freedom
…they think the freedom to quit one oppressive job and find another allows you to eventually land a sinecure, or you can show "loyalty" to one porky for a really long time and eventually "move up" or you can play the "your network is your net worth" game and simply get a cozy gig from your brothercousinuncle at the local racism factory…
>ignorance is strength
… this is the essence of the "yes chad" meme. Arguing the nuance of any topic is for faggots who have been guilt tripped by social justice warriors. When someone accuses you of being oppressor you're just supposed to say "yes" and keep doing what you're doing. Ignorance IS strength. It's the strength to ignore the loud cries of the oppressed, and to keep trampling them underfoot for your own benefit…



Oh no…
I think i am in danger!


Really, no. The component responsible for the telemetry is the CPU of which the two companies who hold a monopoly on them both have proprietary tracking systems installed. Certain companies also install tracking hardware of their own alongside/inside the CPU.
CPUs also cannot be made by one or a small group, or even some sort of small organisation since their manufacturing is complex and requires economies of scale. So don't get that funny idea.



can those proprietary tracking systems be disabled by interacting with the CPU using some kind of external piece of CPU management software?


There is a list of disabling methods in the IME article I linked, but it's unknown if they actually work or not. Only Intel would know and they keep silent about whether if they succeed or not since uncertainty among the people working on that is better for their interests.


>not using grapheneOS or Chinese-brand phone
What the fuck did you expect.


I have a huawei phone and it has the same data collection mechanisms as most androids


i use grapheneOS
it probably makes me look like an islamist terrorist incel anarchist trans groomer to the average normie, but w/e


Same, but nobody gives a shit nor can they even tell it's grapheneOS. The only comments I've gotten was by other graphene users.
Sad to hear.
Does it collect for US Agencies though? I guess data once it's collected flows everywhere.


Use a dumb burner phone with prepaid sim bought physically with cash.

And if you're not just larping then be very strict about when you have it turned on. Do not turn it on anywhere near locations that might be associated with you (home, work/school, friends/relatives, your usual routes, etc.).


Nothing matters, we're all fucked, I let them track and only deny certain services, I just don't bother upgrading, because I'm too uncertain to transfer data. I hope a collapse is coming soon. I hope they liquidate all their shit at the data centers and liberate us from our digital footprints.
Just remember that if they don't have anything against you they can make something up. They likely also track the lack of online presence of a person (deduction method) and turn that individual into a person of interest.


>Just remember that if they don't have anything against you they can make something up. They likely also track the lack of online presence of a person (deduction method) and turn that individual into a person of interest.
There's too many such insignificant people, they don't have the resources to pay special attention to each one individually without any concrete suspicion.
The point of not leaving traces now, even if you're not doing anything antagonistic, is that it keeps options more open for you in the future because they'll have very little to go on when/if you do decide to do something.
But the ultimate goal isn't even to avoid leaving any traces at all, but to compartmentalize them i.e. prevent association between your different identities. Minimizing the amount of traces you emit just makes the process that much easier. Less chances to make a mistake, less things to worry about, less data points for statistical analysis, etc.


who cares, the amount of effort y'all put into not getting tracked is idiotic. you're gonna get cancer or a heart attack long before the glowies nail you to a cross


>I hope a collapse is coming soon. I hope they liquidate all their shit at the data centers and liberate us from our digital footprints.

Well the coof 2.0 is upon us. If there was ever a time for smashies to redeem themselves its now.


>Hi! Hope you are well today! Your application for work/housing/credit/mandatory insurance has been refused.
>It has nothing to do with your personal data that our investigations contractor acquired on the gray market.
>good luck with your future endeavors!


>the coof 2.0
the what?


covid resurgence


>Use a dumb burner phone with prepaid sim bought physically with cash.
<the bills are tracked by serial numbers
<on your way to the phone store vidrel happens


>covid resurgence
Avian flu
>the bills are tracked by serial numbers
Have they actually got anyone this way?


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>get new android phone
>root it
>install lineage
>forgor to turn on mic access
<hello? hello?
>hang up


>Have they actually got anyone this way?
famously the bolsheviks had their Tiflis bank robbery in 1907 foiled this way


Vidrel is usually posted to demoralize people into giving up on privacy. Obviously, if these capabilities were widely available crime wouldn't exist.


>Have they actually got anyone this way?
Not in any way relevant to the OP. Anon wants people to give up.


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thank you for feeding my paranoia


Don't worry, their ability to analyse data is far behind their ability to collect it


chatCIA will take care of it


>the same two vids posted in every privacy thread, everywhere
>not applicable 99% of the time and mitigations exist
why would people want me to give up on privacy?


so I can track your purchasing habits and target ads specifically for you so you consume more


I don't want you to give up on privacy, I want you to nuke langley


Understand that keeping privacy is extremely difficult, but the consequences can be greatly mitigated and the glowies frustrated in a lot of their attempts. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, which means any tech that helps them surveil easier has ALWAYS a way to be sabotaged. It's only a matter of finding out how. Anything a human comes up with, why would another human not be able to counter it? This is wy total technological slavery is impossible. So don't call on people to give up and don't tell people it's easy as neither is true. Getting informed is the best cope for defeatism.


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i live in a third world butthole, my computer wasn't made by the burgers but by the frenchies, am i still in danger?


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>all that grind to keep the feds away
>installs whatsapp


I wonder how long it would take to make a vaugely functional computer with like, woodland materials, using modern math and advancements in analog computing.
Like if it can run doom then it'd be able to handle about any essential task. Get hobbyists in on it and the art of bone tech computation would advance.


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why not buy this from craiglist? no chance the feds have put shit inside it, and you get to larp as hackers from 1995

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