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I’m about to take another huge shit and the side of my stomach has gone from experiencing burning and discomfort to outright pain while shitting. I’ve been checked by multiple doctors and a few hospital visits and they’ve all said I’m healthy, but I find myself shitting more now and it’s disrupted my entire schedule. I shit during noons and nights. It just isn’t right. What should I do, anons?


Shit harder or eat less.


My diet’s always been the same, anon.


Well if you want different shits you need different eats.


Fiber supplements?


Stop putting tea up your ass.


Shove tea up the ass.
Every day.
Make sure to make a post each time you irrigate your colon so we can track your progress.


shit addict thread

try no shit. im on day 43 and feel just fine


>shit addict thread

average-sized kek




I want to do it natty since supplements and pills fuck with me. I used to take laxatives sometimes but it wasn’t fun and I don’t want to deal with that again.
Fuck you.
God I wish I could do this.


You're probably eating too much indigestible plant matter.


Dumbass, then eat more fiber. Fiber is extremely healthy. The vast majority of people are deficient.


You can always tell it's a burger posting shit like this because they have no healthcare


Tea is natty.
You know what you must do



Eat food that doesn't cause stomach acid and eat smaller meals.


Live by the burger, die by the burger


SAD (Standard American Diet)


Drink some more water


We can't be the only ones without healthcare, where my thirdies at?


ITT: Brits who think their opinions matter


File: 1712741990680.jpg (57.24 KB, 560x352, baljvine.jpg)

The healtcare in Bosnia is shit but the prices are at least copeable and you are at least given a chance to be examined by proffesionals


Just shat myself


UK has free healthcare though?


Do you shit in a squat toilet or a sitting toilet? Recently, I found out that when you squat, shitting is easier, it's just anatomy and physiology. I have a sitting toilet, tho, and I basically lean forward with my torso to shit and, boy, since I've been doing it shitting is so much smoother and easier.


Fiber is natural, what you are experiencing is profoundly unnatural if you're not joking


>Just consume indigestible plant matter bro


The point is not to digest them, but to make the formation and passage of poop smoothier.


Would eating rocks help too?


Do you have a standing toilet?


Rocks aren't water retentive so it wouldn't work. There is some stomach medication using Charcoal because it absorbs gases tho.


It is digestible, stuff doesn't just "decompose" in your lower intestine, I pray this is just more bait you wrote to fend off board death


Lol, no! I don't even know what a "standing" toilet is! I mean, how do you even shit standing upright? I have a sitting toilet, a water closet, a ceramic throne, the one you sit on like a chair. I just read that if you keep the angle between your torso and your thighs around thirty degrees, that's the optimal position the help defecate. In nature, you do that by just squatting, but with a sitting toilet you can use the same workaround I employ. That said, you also need a bidet and unfortunately most countries today still don't have bidets by default. So sad!


I find myself having a bloated stomach and tons of farts with little poop nuggets coming out gradually. Is this normal? The bloating and acidity is usually on my left side.

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