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you can just tell by looking, a white man invented this




God is black though or mixed at least


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Hamilton is Amerikkka's Shen Yun


a pastor once told me god is black because oil is black and one of the most valuable substances. also thats the reason why the rich wear black suits and drive in black cars, with black tinted windows.



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is it sexist to dislike white women this much? some of them are alright. And white men are much worse tbh. Come think of it, people in general kind of suck really bad regardless of their socially constructed identity


le acceptable prejudice


In order to be Amerikkka's Shen Yun, Amerikkka would have to be ruled by a Communist (at least nominally Communist) party, and Hamilton would have to be performed live in a far away country by rightoids as a sort of counterculture "protest" against the motherland government. Because that's what Shen Yun is. It's the Chinese far right crying to American's about how Socialism took away their based feudalist traditions.

Hamilton isn't analogous to this because it's really a whitewashing (or blackwashing, heh) of America made for Americans. It's people of color pretending to be the founding fathers at their finest moments set to a contemporary genre of music. Slavery is touched upon briefly but mostly ignored. The founding fathers are ultimately depicted as good guys but still imperfect and sometimes narcissitic. American democracy is depicted as a good. Hamilton's status as an "immigrant" who "worked his way up" is played up. Capitalism is ignored even more than slavery. It's an incredibly reactionary piece of fiction in some regards but ultimately its intended audience is domestic liberal bourgeoisie, not foreign conservative bourgeoisie. It's not quite an American Shen Yun though I can see why you say that. There's just some boxes it isn't ticking.


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The intention behind the "white women" discourse is twofold. It's white guys taking the heat off themselves by pointing out that white women are in fact often very racist and through their "white women tears" have gotten many Emmet Tills lynched, etc. It's also a source of humor because the idea of white guys hating white women so much that they team up with everyone else against white women is major "divorced guy" energy.



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This is literally me whenever i shove 5 crack rocks up my ass


This makes me angry but because it remind me of the existence of Lin Manuel Miranda and his creations. Including Hamilton.


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t. yakub disciple

nevertheless, i want to ask someone to draw moses tying 300 translucent men into a tree a blowing it with dynamite


>In order to be Amerikkka's Shen Yun, Amerikkka would have to be ruled by a Communist (at least nominally Communist) party, and Hamilton would have to be performed live in a far away country by rightoids as a sort of counterculture "protest" against the motherland government
That would be incredibly fun to watch


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*proceeds to hook up with Dasha*


That was Adam.


Holy shit lmao



Currently imagining a Qanon musical involving “5000 years of American history reborn”


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>is it sexist
No, it’s wholesome and funny


Historically accurate Thomas Jefferson: "What if the slave girl consents? Not like I care either way ha ha ahaa."
Yeah I think I'll take the woke edition.


TIL learned she was 75% white and also his sister in law. Wypipo be crazy. They need to make a movie bout jefferson and his 14 yo sister in law in paris. Played by woody allen.


Funny too how the dream of white slave holders seemed to be to make a one drop slave "uyghur" to rape.


very sneaky founding crackers.


Americans have spent a century woke-ifying the founding fathers.

They were apologists for slaves. They loved slavery. America's love of freedom was the love of the freedom to own slaves. America separated from UK because they saw their freedom to own slaves was being threatened. America was a dejure apartheid state all the way till the 1960s. America engages in slave labor in the form of the largest penitentiary system in the entire world. The united states has, at it's core, the spirit of slavery that it carries to this day.

Americans are slavery apologists, them and all the deranged liberal academics like the pig Hannah Arendt.

Slavery apologists, genocide apologists, war apologists. There no crime against humanity that Americans won't create consensus for, or rewrite history for.


Yeah no fucking shit. My people are called conformists and dictator lovers by americans ehile I ask myself which of our two countries has a death penalty and which has more political parties


That's so me fr fr


Sounds like some burgers on this board when they start wanking about the confederacy.


what if slavery is based though


but CPUSA anon in the /burgerpol/ thread told me I'm alienating my fellow burgertariats by burning the burger flag


Obviously anything the proletariat does is le based, no further analysis required.


they somehow managed to make jefferson whiter than I imagined was possible in order to make the incredibly lightskinned POC playing hemmings look blacker

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