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you gotta admit, this guy was basically the phrase *the west has fallen, billions must die (according to bushido)* before it became a meme


Even in my libertarian days I knew this guy was retarded when he went one about how Japan is going to eclipse the chinese. How can you look at that aging tiny has been island and tell people with an honest soul that it will reign supreme over a contiental historical super power with over 10 times its population.


i remember one of his vids talking about genghis khan, how by conquering china, and destroying the islamic civilizations he saved europe and gave it the jumpstart to reconquer spain and spread it's ideas in america, and saved japan from living under chinese hegemony, i think it was called "how one man saved europe", can't find it though, almost all his old videos are deleted


oh my maupin is black pigeon speaks based jungle gang? i MUST report this to the infrared fbi.gov server and leftychan at once! if i do one more good deed for the day my bull will buy me the new mario game!


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I liked when his face leaked and he threw a fit over it.


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i'm not even going to post it


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I love the video where he argues humans must have been created by aliens.


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>by conquering china, and destroying the islamic civilizations he saved europe
<he doesn't know that genghis khan didn't discriminate based on religion
<he doesn't know muslim, christian, etc. subjects were free to continue practicing their religion
<he doesn't know that Uyghur Muslim scribes gave the Mongolians their first writing system


sorry i'm not racist but i don't listen to black pigeons


BP Speaks
Boi Pucci


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You forgot to mention his leaked name being "Felix Rex" or "Felix Lace".





Wtf is he yapping about


i vaguely remember seeing one of his videos when all my understanding of politics came from anti-sjw gamergate stuff, and thought that because black was in his channel name that he was black, so i didn't watch his videos…



I never watched him even though I was an anti-sjw rightoid ten years ago. My angry youtube retard of choice was TL;DR. Middle school was an embarrassing time.


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>middle school
>ten years ago
>tfw I got out of middle school 18 years ago


Bet he has a scrumptious boyhole.

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