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how do we make engineering leftist?


Most engineers I've met are leftists. Only exception is my mom, who got liberalized by facebook, but she's not doing anything engineering related since.




I have a social science and an engineering degree and despite there being one or two awkward people engineering students were way more communal and way more helpful with each other. Everyone was sharing old solutions, protocols or study material with each other.


>leftism is when you're nice :)


I don't know where this image of engineers being rightists come from. Back in my uni days all the chvds are from Law school


We give them less money.


Kinda seems like the thread prenise is anecdotal too tho. Just providing my opposing anecdote.


Also in my experience engineering students tend to have more of a prole background.


secularism and empathy are the foundational basis of arriving at leftist conclusions


peak leftoid behavior


"secularism and empathy" will only make you arrive at impotent liberal bullshit :)


>Liberalism and liberalism are the foundational basis of arriving at liberal conclusions
Y'know, I've never talked to a self described "liberal-socialist" before. I'm curious to what's the end game of liberal-socialists. Are you guys gonna end commodity production, or are you guys socdems with fancier names?


yes unironically. communism is built into human behavior and has been present in most communities throughout most of human history. its disappearance from select parts of humanity (first world kkkrackkker$$ you among them) is only temporary. seethe about it baizuo


marx was a liberal socialist for one. his critique of classical political economy was built off liberal philosophy by necessity of its subject matter


Communism isn‘t any more „built into humans“ than any other form of life that human beings can take on. Building concentration camps to exterminate whatever boogyman is just as human as building an altruistic commune where people have séx with everyone every day. Now get your ass over here and let‘s make it happen.


>communism is built into human behavior


cracker detected


We reduce the concept of communism to a resource efficiency and optimization problem to be solved by a cadre of autistic technocrats.


dont worry babe they're going to at least be syndicalists by the time capitalism is done with them



Most software "engineers" are not actually engineers.


Engies like closed circuits and frameworks of thought moved by fixed and coherent laws (which is why as a profession they tend more than others to become extremists). You bash away the idealist nonsense and propose marxist materialism as a complete framework to understand the world.
Growing proletarization will do the rest


File: 1712680012917.jpg (Spoiler Image, 56.38 KB, 860x736, GKp-OjWWIAAZoPO brain past….jpg)


<div> / framework devs don't count


You are completely right but edgy marxist-leninist-meoist-dengist-juche-multipolarists with 3th world characteristics who are in it for aesthetics will make fun of you for stating the provably obvious.


>how do we make engineering leftist?
seize the means of production, duh doy

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