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>Puts her cold feet on the husband at night to warm them.
hot hot hot


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Did you actually get 44% OP? How? Are you an actual housewife?


You will always be a woman.


>not posting the husband test as well
and i thought you anons were about both gender representation



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You will always be a man


i know


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Alas I'm failing at this too




Why do I need to??


No i'm seething because I got mogged hard by>>521273


lol i bet this guy loves pegging


He didn't imply he is a straight husband


mon dieu you're right


Me and my wife both got 0 percent, who the fuck dresses for breakfast?


Do you eat naked?


It's based on 1929 etiquette anon


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>Me and my wife


Well I figured that, I scored low average on the husband test actually. But I think that one gives you points just for not hating your wife, and I don't.


i'm not sure the rating system lets you be a good wife without being religious


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But i am a man, wtf is this test


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sorry anon it's time to put on the skirt


Fuck, i am femboy now


I'm a failure as a gay for being unable to be rated well as a wife… it's over bros…


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nobody fucking move, the boywife is coming with me


I am a failure as a husband too, is over


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so i still have a chance?


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from the same site lol wtf


TBH they have left wing seeming tests too, it seems they just put as many as they can find on there including ones by ameriboomers


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ameribooms are something else man


graphic design is my passion


>andrew tate became so cringe the right tries to claim he's a psyop to save face


I mean you have to remember he's a muslim so he probably makes shapiro piss himself whenever he sees his face


holy shit! new animorphs!?


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he converted in 2022


>it's real
i heard of sneako but this guy too? no wonder he went all for palestine in that debate


Boring test. Obvious "good" and "bad" qualities


>PragerU is distancing themselves from Tate.
I swear this timeline is getting weird.

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