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>people in england drive on the objectively wrong side of the road and have the steering wheels placed on the wrong side of the vehicle


True. It's funny that their writing system isn't also backwards like the japs.


the steering wheel is placed the interior side of the road so car drivers get killed faster and sooner, this is called evolution liberal


It also encourages intrusive thoughts since oncoming traffic is tantalisingly close


you mean right to left? jap is written left to right like latin


But why manga backwards


right?? they do it because of the urge to swerve


There are two ways to write Japanese, the traditional way and the modern way. Traditional is the same as traditional Chinese, which is top to bottom, right to left, but modern is the same as English, which is left to right, top to bottom


so colonization did produce good things in the end


Right to left writing systems and right hand drive cars are the imposition of the left handed elites on the right handed masses.


Do UK elites hate their citizens more than American elites hate theirs? Honestly i'd believe it.


we're kidding anon the drivers seat is on the inside in the entire world but in uk and a few other places the roads are the other way round


i'm not a uk elite and yet i hate their citizens so much, but then again i'm french


I hate your country entirely


me too comrade, me too


> people … drive


i don't really care what side the car is on, i am not driving, i am simply better than that, i will get someone to do the driving for me.

i am not some medieval peasant driving a horse drawn cart for the kings sake, i am a right proper gentleman, and, like a good englishman i shall have one of the poors drive for me!

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