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Small update on Japan:

So a dude, unhappy with his bother being scammed by a church, assassinated Abe former Japanese prime minister
-which led to the spotlighting the activities of the unification church and the loss of their status in Japan
-which led to the uncovering of a donor scandal in the LDP, specifically the Abe faction
-which led to the collapse of the Abe faction within the LDP
-which led to the collapse of the entire faction system of the LDP
-which is about to lead to Japan having their first female prime minister

you are welcome


anarchists gonna say potd works (ignore the other 99999 unsuccessful attempts)


how is this even a succesful attempt nothing changed they just swapped a male bloodthirsty ghoul for a female bloodthirsty ghoul


Are there any chances he avoids the death penalty?
We only need to be lucky once, they need to be lucky all the time


It's a pretty funny development but Japanese people indeed still gotta wage slave away tomorrow morning.

It's likely, he only killed one person after all.


Someone's gonna make an interesting manga about this.


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>which is about to lead to Japan having their first female prime minister
does she look like a motherfucker have a grandaddy who was nicknamed the monster/annhilator/butcher of the south sea mandate/manchuria/chosen?


yasssssssssss female prime minister!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! communism any day now!!


the unification church. it was founded by a guy who basically wanted pussy
he went around telling women they had to have sex with him to purify their blood which had been defiled by the sin of Adam and Eve.
then if they had sex with somebody else the pure blood would pass down to the next person, creating a sex relay.


Oh shit, no wonder Abe loved them. They were the ultimate sex havers.


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the unification church arrived in Japan after a sex scandal at ewha women's university in Korea in 1955
the government loved him because moon was a staunch anti-communist. it was linked together with the South Korea military regime, the CIA, and the Japanese fascists.

>One of the main reasons the Unification Church could never grow big in Korea was because it was very well known to have been a sex cult. The Ewha Womans University sex scandal of 1955 was all over the media for months, even reaching Japan. Sun Myung Moon was jailed for two years.



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>having their first female prime minister


political violence 👎
political violence, Japan 👍


political violence 👍
political violence, Japan 👍




Appreciate the update
>first female prime minister
At this moment in time it must be asked, is she
>an independent operator with a long experience and a legitimate history
>a young, attractive woman with questionable convictions and western ngo connections
Finland comes to mind.

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