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The real conflict is between atheistic spiritualism and patriarchal feaudalism / corporatism aka truth vs reaction. This is expressed historically as the battle between Shintoism, which has always been the way of the people and anyone who cares about the realm, and confucianism which is of the evil knights and the shogun. The shogun tried to take away the popular essense of shinto by making it like catholocism, diverting away from the Ise shrine which represents people's shamanism and towards their new Tokugawa shrine. Shinto was fought for by secret orders which today are expressed by kenpo lineages. Eventually Shinto won and the Yamato Emperor was restored which was great for the realm, as confucianism (which is TRULY evil) was thrown out in favour of westernism. But State Shinto undermined the popular shamanistic part of the practice and ruined it especially when the nation became fascist. You see, you have to do chelicity and understand the ground at your feet. 'Tengrism' is not polytheist it is scientific shamanistic spiritualism, more life atheism than religion but not reddit. Chingis Khan destroyed the evil confucian beureacracy using this power. He supported Daoism (which he thought was immortality). Daoism is a good religion as it is the spiritualist truth. Do you understand, obsucrationist religion like evil catholocism leads to reaction. People's ideologies lead to progress, either bourgeois or proleterian. This is because one is about the truth and the other is about the elite order of millenia which persists to this day keeping power (Yamato emperor is an exception). This can be seen in the war of the 5 nations (aka. the war of the 3 kingdoms aka. the English civil war) with the Quakers, levellers and true levellers who represented the world around them and spiritual connection and the people and TRUTH. I can't support the DPRK because they are KKKonfucian. The battle has been going on since the Neolithic. Lenin and Stalin were on the good side but like the Yamato Empire their GOOD SOCIALIST work was subverted by the creeping anti-materialist anti-spiritualist seperationist of humans from nature KKKRUSCHEV, who represented KKKonfucianism, Eastern Orthodoxy.

The only ones fighting for truth, for true spiritual connection, enlightenment, paradise, today, they are:
-Allatolah Khomenni
-All of the axis of resistance
-Greta Thumberg
-Abimael Guzman
-Wicca practioniers
-Shinto deepstate warriors (executing abe was part of the plan to weed out the evil)

I want to know what Multipolarists and Duginists have to think about my knowledge / theory


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You resort to calling things evil too much without proper understanding, it's a nice analysis but lacks historical context and some other players

Shaman materialism is based af though


God what I'd do to see Reza combined with whatever kind of stuff out there in eastern religion, he makes a departure from Islam and Christianity I love


I read the first sentence of that


Pretty sure this is what Pan-Asianists believed during WW2 tbh.

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