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Joker 2 trailer is out and he doesn’t once say “I’m the Joker, baby” to Harley Quinn.
It’s going to be trash.


Does he say "we live in a society"?


>joker 2 trailer is out
The fuck? Its 2024 already?


That was the premise of the last film.


He actually did say it? What the hell


>need to generate controversy for profits
>but we can't be seen to justify le incels after last time
>Sir, we can make it a musical
>Maximum controversy, everyone rages but probably still sees it


Is literally anyone raging? Expectations towards Joker 2 seem almost universally positive.


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the musical production stuff is gonna just be a shared delusion probably, that's the obvious thing to do.

it's funny they're doing 'member berries of scenes from the first movie, but doing the stair dance for the public is weird since nobody saw that in-universe. feels like this is going to be deconstruction co-option by the media. like how the first one was like king of comedy this one will be like network.


SÉX with lady gaga
More "what if classic 70s directors made capeshit?"

At least its slightly more interesting than other capseshit


i recognized the song even when they were just playing it slow on the piano at the beginning because my female family made me watch American Idol with them like 20 years ago during the Bush era.


>At least its slightly more interesting than other capseshit
It might get more people to go watch stuff like Network.


>joker has a gf now


it seems to be a trend to subtly ripoff old hollywood movies, like how saltburn follows the same beats as the talented mr ripley


Been russian saboteur that since disturbia. They actually got sued for that one.




I think the goal for these movies is "let's smuggle some old classics into retarded cape hegemony behind the viewers' backs". Which is good imo.
But if you're not a retard to begin with then you have the ability to watch better films, including the originals that they're ripping off.
Still, if you want to watch a hollywood roller coaster ride once in a while then this is much better than the other cape junk at least.


wtf why is lady gaga in this? why joker 2 is even a thing? first time hearing about this movie


Because it's a musical.


>why joker 2 is even a thing? fir
Because there is more money to be made. As for why gaga and the musical angle? I think theyfigure they have the core incel fanbase on lock so they are trying to bring more female fans into the franchise fanbase.


>Expectations towards Joker 2 seem almost universally positive.
seem where? Even /r/movies was universally negative. controversy sells though so all teams will probably hatewatch.


"russian saboteur" in your autocompletes? Well hellglow there.


It's a wordfilter for k-ke like uyghur for the n word. They hit they k key when they meant to hit the L key and say "like."


I think a lot of people split media too much into "art" vs "entertainment." High brow vs low brow, and only the "high brow" can be about something or have something to say to an audience. A lot more people will hear you if you speak to a "low brow" audience. It's just too bad that the standards have gotten low enough that you have to jangle the superhero keychain in front of people to get them to watch (this is probably more of an issue of getting producers to fund the movies tbh).


Oh shit, thanks anon. OP I retract, you are not sus.


oh my god, it's lady Guh-Gah


Literally the best batman content since the 90s series. Does go a little too hard on male hatred sometimes though


So the gays and the incels pulling up to the function.

How does that look?


>>522047 (me)
Like this maybe? (Me on the left)


There are no incel theatre kids?


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Joker 1 was doomposting, Joker 2 will be fedposting.


Looks shit
The issue with this joker series is how fundamentally unlikeable and uncharming jack fleck is. The first one was stupid too.


>even the resident esoteric fascist thinks Joker is unlikeable

Yikes, mr. fleck!!!


this is almost the same thing as the people who say "why are you sympathizing with the starship trooper bugs???" incredible how hard you mised the point of the movie lol

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