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Ride Wife, Life Good


this finally made me understand negation of the negation


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how the fuck did porn make you understand philosophical concepts?


<Hey Louis did you remember when you explained to me the trinity with copulation of three at once?


topping with your orifice and reversing the relationship expressed through the strap-on is a sublation of the male being the top, preserving his top-ness through the abolition of phallic dominance. the first negation is the woman hijacking phallic dominance from the man by using a strap-on, and the second negation is the man hijacking dominance from the phallus per se, by exercising dominance through his anus instead.


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normies applying top/bottom to anything outside the bedroom was a mistake


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Yes precisely. This gives meaning to "phallus" apart from "penis", where as lacan would say, "there is no sexual relation", in this case, of the male topping with his ass, and so *self-penetrating* as an act of ideological appropriation. The woman, even as the supposed fuck-er is still the "object" of the male's subjectivity.
But this is why lacan sublates freud's oedopus complex with castration, since phallus is always ideological, and the subject is always "feminine". The forced nature of "making" the woman free in her role as dominator is a false transcendence (the same way putting women as action stars is).
The free relation is the impotence of the man, where he is castrated as an authentic subject. The woman is simply given, like the mother. This is why the "phallus" is essentially penile, but is not the penis itself.


>I am a top!


bedrooms must be abolished, embrace control rooms


>Role reversed power bottoming a strapon from the top.

new fetish discovered

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