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>Hi Everyone,

>I'm a non-Jew living in a hyper-progressive American city.

>Palestinian flags are everywhere. People didn't even wait til the bodies were cold after 10/7 or for Israel to begin a counteroffensive before hanging them everywhere. I can't even walk around my apartment complex without seeing them. Almost everyone I know under 40 (I'm early 30s) is a supporter of Palestine and thinks Israel is committing genocide. When discussion about the war comes up and I defend Israel, people look at me like I have two heads, and I'm pretty sure at least one person is avoiding me because I support Israel.

>They talk about colonialism, they talk about apartheid, they talk about genocide. I've done immense amounts of research on the history of the Israel-Palestinian conflict, both to be absolutely sure that my moral judgment about the situation is right, and to try to refute their talking points. Some of them have explicitly said that the Jews should just leave the Middle East and go elsewhere. How do you even respond to that?

>Almost all the main-stream media I see is straight-up anti-Israel propaganda.

>The only practical stake I have in this is that I know the difference between right and wrong, and I refuse to be silent (I have that problem in a lot of other areas as well, and it gets me into trouble frequently). Being surrounded by people like this is soul-crushing.

>The only people I know under 40 who support Israel are a couple of Trump supporters (who basically live in fear in these parts) and a libertarian (I tend to be libertarian-minded as well). It's like being trapped in a madhouse. Luckily I know a few Boomers who aren't insane, but they are more people I see at work, and not people I hang out with.

>How do people cope with this in their daily lives? I'm tired of being surrounded by useful idiots and people who don't subscribe to the same moral principles that I do. It's extremely isolating. I'm sure a lot of other people (both Jews and non-Jews) are going through something similar. I'd really appreciate hearing about your experiences.


At least post the original source coward



Less than 3 minutes reading that thread and i've seen "neo-marxism" mentioned twice. What is this even supposed to be, some sort of rebranded cultural marxism?


It's barely rebranded, but yes. In the comments OP for some reason starts talking about 'LGBT ideologies'



choice chops
>Start with “do you believe Israel has a right to exist?”
>… if they say “no” then that’s really just it. If they like it or not, they’re advocating for the diaspora and maybe even murder of innocent people. It isn’t worth talking about.

settler acknowledges leftists actually care about the jewish diaspora

>Being in a more liberal arts program in university back then as well I can guarantee that most only look at this conflict with through a neo Marxist type of narrative which is soooo destructive and lacks any sort of base in reality tbh. The lack of humanity and black and white thinking has gotten so ridiculous it’s infuriating


>I was a left-leaning Democrat for most of my adult life. At a certain point, I was like, "wait…what?" on so many of their stances, I walked away. Trust me, I don't worship at the alter of the Republican party…they've got their own nut-job gems. But, it does seem that in general it's not the Republican party of Nixon anymore. Most of today's Republican voting base is actually pretty moderate on most things. That said, I'm an Independent.

>For me, when I look at the big issues of the day; the threat of another world war, a nuclear Iran, Ukraine looking a lot like another Vietnam, China eying Taiwan, people illegally flooding into the US, violent crime, a corrupt DOJ, and Israel's security, I see only one candidate…who may be a flawed individual…but someone who is capable of navigating these treacherous waters we are in. I don't think anyone is under the illusion that Kamala Harris is up to the task and is certainly no friend of Israel. Needless to say, you can probably guess who I'm voting for. LOL.


>Be openly, proudly Jewish, make the stooges hiding behind their Amazon Kaffiyas uncomfortable.

>Find Jewish organizations, make Jewish friends, date Jewish people.
>The world has showed us time and time again that we can only count on ourselves.

>>>I'm a non-Jew living in a hyper-progressive American city.

>>>Oops. I don't think that first part would work for me.
>>>I'm an atheist and I don't think Judaism accepts converts to secular Judaism, do they?


they just telling people to become jews now?


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>Almost all the main-stream media I see is straight-up anti-Israel propaganda.


Why are zionists spouting an anti semitic conspiracy theory? Are they stupid?


nope, they're anti-semetic


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>all those neo-marxism

these people genuinely believe marxism is some global palestinian communist conspiracy made by the muslim elders of mecca


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lol, glowddit is unusable these days


Zionism is heavily inspired by Nazism whether they admit it or not


They aren't even unpopular that's the thing. If you want to be a right winger then just turn on mainstream news and 90% of newspapers. These people are just butthurt that not literally every part of society bows down for their blood and soil


is that a fucking fedora?


It's a play on white-hat-vs-black-hat hacking, but yep lol


>having the most repugnant sadistic views and then crying about your views being unpopular.
Boomers perfected this decades ago with "I'm not racist, I just think [redacted] should live with their own kind, because they're an inferior subhuman mongrel race that poisons everything they touch and will rape our women and indoctrinate our children into their satanic rituals. That's just my opinion."


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godammit curiosity killed me

the irony of putting be reasonable in the title


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>Basically, what we are seeing is the left showing their true colors. They hate Israel and they hate Jews. Hopefully, my Jewish American friends will open their eyes and stop supporting Democrats who hate us!

>I can't say I'm a big fan of a lot of the people in the Republican Party either, but American Progressives are fucking insane, and I have to live with them.

>They have been showing its true colors for years, just not in such an extreme way.

>For years, they have bullied anyone who doesn't agree with them on public policy and called them bigots. For years, they have been attacking free speech rights and rule of law. For years, they have been openly pushing racial discrimination in order to advance the cause of "equity." Worthy causes, like getting gay people equal rights under the law, have been perverted to push extremist ideologies in schools and brainwash children into mutilating themselves. For years, they have been taking over every good media franchise and infusing it with identity politics and naked attacks on anyone who doesn't agree with them.


>they have been openly pushing racial discrimination in order to advance the cause of "equity."
He's talking about "racism" against white people here isn't he?


Op picture is too spooky for leftypol


im glad they're depressed.


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<israel flag


>I'm a non-Jew
He could straight up say "goy". Btw, the tone of the entire tripe is just like someone who is 100% posting from some hasbara operative centre in the Negev or something is trying too hard to sound like he's not a jewish zionist himself, yet failed hoplessly, but in a way that seems to give it away too easily - thus "I'm a non-Jew" and crap like that. I don't know if I'm overthinking, but if it's really some "good faith" "non-Jew" genuinely complaining because his delicate feelings have been hurt by all those Palestinian flags he sees around, then it's so over the top and pathetic I really don't know what to do with that. That said, the real world is indeed full of deranged individuals and lunatics of all kinds and that crap could be genuine and "organic".

"Neo-marxism" is like neo-romantic music in the early 80s. Duran Duran, Spandau Ballet, you know? It's basically old Charlie and Fritz making a musical act, wearing shoulder pads, big hair, some make up, looking like Simon Le Bon, Tony Hadley and the Kemp Brothers. Big synths and big gated-reverb drums.

Even more reasons to stand by your traps.

Good! It's just one of the most poisonous websites to have ever existed.

It looks more like a Jewish Honduras, tbh.


>brainwash children into mutilating themselves
he seems to be a more transphobic kinda chvd


I did not clarify well so the lack of recognition of basic meme patterns, made them admit israel is a warmonger state and is the one waging wars.
This proofs that people behind on this meme are glowies who does not know shit and only serve to create a dumb narrative.

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