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wait, so you're telling me these guys conquered the medieval world from south spain to iran but never had any written down sword techniques, or any codes of chivalry, or any muslim knight orders or any books on fighting wars?

they are missing a lot of the aspects of a feudal society, like the japanese had kenjutsu and bushido and probably a translated copy of sun tsu, and most european kingdoms had the code of chivalry or different manuscripts on sword fighting.

what did the muslims have?


Furūsiyya (فروسية; also transliterated as furūsīyah) is the historical Arabic term for equestrian martial exercise.[1] Furūsiyya “Knighthood” is a martial tradition dating back to pre-Islamic Arabia.[2]
Illustration of a horse's ideal physical traits, 13th century manuscript of the Kitāb al-bayṭara by Aḥmad ibn ʿAtīq al-Azdī.
Late Mamluk / early Ottoman Egyptian horse armour (Egypt, c. 1550; Musée de l'Armée).

The term is a derivation of faras (فرس) "horse", and in Modern Standard Arabic means "equestrianism" in general. The term for "horseman" or "cavalier" ("knight") is fāris (فارس),[3] which is also the origin of the Spanish rank of alférez.[4] The Perso-Arabic term for "Furūsiyya literature" is faras-nāma or asb-nāma.[5] Faras-nāma is also described as a small encyclopedia about horses.[6]



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thanks for the answer

it still doesn't answer what kind of sword techniques did they have though


Probably the same as European. It's not like there's some super sekrit fighting style that beats anything, and 90% of most armies in history are barely trained conscripts


>whitey is astonished that a different society is not the same as theirs


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i get what you mean, but it's hard to process that they fought the byzantines, who had the varangian guards, and the persians who had the cataphracts, two armies that were highly educated in schools on swordmanship, were somehow defeated by armies of arabs who didn't have any book on warfare, they don't build ditches, they don't march in complex formations, they don't have ranks, they just…win


I'm not an expert in this history, but elite formations are usually overrated, raw numbers and logistics are more important. You would be amazed how many generals in history had essentially no understanding of tactics or strategy to the extent that someone with a basic plan is able to beat the shit out of them (see Napoleon, Hannibal, etc)


and armies fought mostly with spears and pikes anyway


Right. Just stick em with the pointy end


>didn't have any book on warfare
do you think they didnt read or know about the way of fighting of everyone else in the area ? do you imagine these people were completely separate and various warlords didnt switch sides all the time with their men ?


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this is now a history thread because 4chan's /his/ is taken over by haplowiggers

from my understanding, for some reason europeans did not have a rich history of spies and assassins, in east asia we had the ninjas who were not actually wearing dark black pijamas or summoning the genderbender jutsu, and muslim societies they had the ismaili hashashin, who were not hooded figures running around in ubishit games collecting animus fragments.

the closest thing to assassins in feudal europe were people in homeless clothes sitting outside a fort for three days waiting to shank the lord when he comes out for converting to a slightly weirder sect of catholicism


I would say there were probably a decent number of assassins in Europe but they weren't professionalised or organised into guilds or anything like that because it was offensive to Christianity. So they were only regarded as criminals and not as legitimate tools of policy.


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i found what OP is looking after, although it's made centuries after the rashidun kicked the bucket, it means arabs did have manuals for warfare, only problem is that they are unheard of.

it's not about combat though, it's a manual on how to ride horses and be honorable good guy and shit


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The link has like a dozens of treatises in it. There are some images of spear fighting pages in it as well.

Here's some more pics.


>but never had any written down sword techniques, or any codes of chivalry, or any muslim knight orders or any books on fighting wars?
they probably did, we just dont know about them in english literature
mecca and medina definitely had libraries and such


please don't laugh, when 2001 happened and the education system was still ass, our teacher told us the islamic civilisations had no architectual manuals or an art movement, or any records of their history that were translated to english is because islam forbids any literature or depiction of images besides the quran


my condolences burgerbro


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not even close homie


Ah fair enough lol.


<be japan
>get bombed
>get ocuupied by america
>get to keep your emperor
>get to have a huge chunk of your history translated to english to burger readers in california to be facinated about
>get to have your culture translated to weebs
>get a huge pump to your economy with porky gibs
>become wholesome 100 samurai land

<be iraq

>get occupied by america
>lose your head of state in a jiffy
>lose a million of your people
>lose many artifacts to smugglers and museums
>lose gold
>lose economy to petrol contractors coming in to """""""rebuild and stabilize"""""""
>get into a sectarian war
>lose entire cities to fanatics that just popped out of the blue
>have your history shat on by ze experts from california
>become 51 state

life is funny like that


this is a gold mine, thanks


>they are missing a lot of the aspects of a feudal society
almost as if the forms of social organization that apply to europe can be different in other places around the world


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they most def has feudalim just under a diffrent name like everything


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What the fuck did you just fucking say about my caliph, you little firanja? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the elite Mubarizun, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Antioch crusaders, and I have over 300 confirmed prisoners. I am trained in funun al furusiyya, and I’m the top lancer in the entire ayubbid armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another training gourd. I will skewer you the fuck out with valor the likes of which has never been seen before on the Levantine hills, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me?, over the horse messengers? Think again, goat-molester. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of nizari Hashashin across the holy land and your kaffir palace is being watched by scouts right now so you better prepare for the desert storm, Frankish mud-serf. The storm that’ll wipe out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, donkey Jockey. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my hardened turban. Not only am I extensively trained in using the saif, but I have access to the entire network of the ghilman of the Sultan's palace and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable arse off the face of the continent, you piece of manure. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” poetry was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you accursed weasel. I will shit a full catapult barrage all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, street urchin.


>doesnt search for [Thing]
>"WTF WHY DOESNT [Thing] EXIST?!?!?!?!

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