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So my friend went to hot topic today and they were harassing them about if anyone helped or greeted them and that made me think that even at my job they used to make us greet everyone and score on it and I just wanted to know


Who the fuck cares if they're greeted by the staff or whatnot? Is it an asset protection thing? Is it boomer shit? When I go into a store I like to browse everything myself and find everything on my own. Why do retail outlets do this to their employees? Why do companies view greeting customers as this do or die evaluated thing? Like why does shit like eye contact have to be micromanaged?


wait so should i not greet the staff as a customer then


idek anymore bro


I'll explain it in simple terms, basically its customer service BS; you HAVE to be nice and helpful and pay attention to incoming people, even if you have to go out of your way to do so, because that's what they expect, and anything less results in bad reviews and people complaining to the manager or owner. Obviously most people are thankfully not like that, but you'll always get some PMS cunt that decides you haven't been kissing their ass enough and complains anyway, which results in possible negative publicity, which hurts sales and whatever. Hence micro-managing.


Thats retarded.


It makes complete sense though. Your boss doesn't want to lose customers.


We get thousands of customers and most of them are very kind and don't want to be bothered even. A couple of karens who don't wanna shop here because we wont wipe their ass isn't gonna cripple the store financially. I do get what you're saying though and I also think its to make potential thieves aware that you're keeping your eye on them.

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