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File: 1712848594188.jpg (25.37 KB, 318x465, reverendinsanity.jpg)


Read Wuxia/Xianxia its pretty dang good. Well that's an exaggeration. Some, like Reverend Insanity and Lord of the Mysteries and ze tian ji is pretty good, not all of it though. Some of it is heavily reusing tropes of others because you need to understand the cultural context. These webnovels are required by qidian to update five times per week, so you are essentially getting a third draft of quality with no editor, and its much easier to do so if you just crib a lot from other writers instead of being original yourself. To further compound this, most writers are amateurs and not really super skilled at the craft with exceptions.

They are like the junk food of books, wish fulfillment, power fantasy, mega huge power levels, that stuff is pretty common in that genre of webnovels. If that sounds like it's up your alley give it a shot. If not, well you can look at the minority of books in the genre that are not like that.


File: 1712874992488.png (486.41 KB, 778x779, GDmn3DTWYAE0Y4b (1).png)

How accurate is this?


Never read a Japanese novel, but like 90% of every battle in jap manga is just talking about technique.


yeah. and don't the chinese like romance of the three kingdoms and shit like that a lot? that's like 90% intrigue and 10% battles.

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