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fellas, is it proletarian to watch how it's made videos or the channel of that one guy who messes with electricity like a cat with a mouse?


Yes. Super. If you keep watching them, you'll become Super Proletarian.

Dumb thread.



No, it's bourgeois.


trvthnvke. electricity is a first world bourgeois privilege afforded only to middle class bourgeois homeowners


he's Iranic so yes


i thought he was egyptian, he had that egyptian balding pattern


I love this autistic mf; he'll go to like a hotel and tear it apart just to investigate the electrical systems. honestly proles need to go back to sabotaging porky's shit. It's exposed, everywhere.


He's also roasting Israel on Twitter


what's more dangerous? touching a 100volt wire or potentially making twitteroids call you antisemitic and dox you?


>honestly proles need to go back to sabotaging porky's shit.
that will only happen in the 22nd century


File: 1712938200242.png (317.71 KB, 515x311, 666.png)

>that will only happen in the 22nd century
why are proles such pussys?


Eternal domestication. The US will be the last country on earth to experience a revolution. The us is such a orderpilled copcel that it will take decades of external propaganda ro get them to do something. They would rather have an open genocide than someone be "uncivil and violent" towards the genociders. Look at reddit as an example. You can propagate the worst thing imaginable and get supporters as long as you are polite and civil aboit it. Show a tiny bit of anger or resentment and you get downvoted into oblivion for being "rude and not accepting other beliefs". It's the ultimate blackpill and the only cope is moving or doing an aaron Bushnell out of sheer rage and frustration.


>thinking reddit silicon valley liberals and PMC kkkarens is representation of the average burger
I'm begging you to touch grass. half the people at my work place talk about killing porky on a daily basis, i don't know anyone who thinks joe biden or donald trump is based, and the women workers at the daycare I send my daughter to spit on the ground whenever they see a cop outside


Holy bases if that's true. Honestly I'm glad i got permabanned from that shithole.


> half the people at my work place talk about killing porky on a daily basis


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