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Is it misogynistic to like anime with ecchi elements?


No, it's proletarian.


No, it's fiction.


do perverted women suffer from internalized misogyny then?



No but it's just stupid. If I'm horny I'd watch hentai rather than half-assed shit with a distracting plot. And if I'm not then I don't want to watch stuff that tries to be something else and doesn't take itself seriously.


just don't try to do weird sexual harrassment stuff to women in an attempt to replicate what u see in said ecchi anime and ur good


>my porn > your porn


Yes it is misogynistic, plus you're also probably a fascist. I'm sending a squad of antifa super soldiers to your house now and they are going to anally rape you for 2 hours straight then murder your entire family. I'm sorry it had to come to this



Yeah, but like unironically.


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This show is literally just this pic ad nauseam. I'm not a prude or anything but the jokes get so stale and boring after a while that at that point you'd rather just be watching actual porn.


They're stupid but probably not misogynistic, besides who actually jacks off to that stuff anyway? I feel like you'd need to be a coomer that watches porn beforehand.


How do I reconcile my desire to uphold Zhdanov's revolutionary principles regarding art and how it must be oriented towards the correct proletarian ideological and political course, but also my love of CGDCT? I don't want to see promotion of the economic development of my city due to the socialist road, I want to see Yukari and Yuzuko making popping sounds!!

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