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If he did wrote it you guys would hate it for not praising Stalin or some shit.


I'm not a communist but still think it's kinda sad he (or any author dying before finishing a book) didn't get to write it. I think it was leftypol years ago where I read that Marx allegedly wanted to write more volumes of Capital or as other books maybe, his theory of the state and imperialism but died before he started them. Despite not agreeing with his positions on most topics it would've been interesting to know Marx's takes on these two things more thoroughly.


In capital he talks about what he will write in vol. 4 but never got round to it obviously


Marx only finished the first volume, the rest was put together by Engels from his draft and notes.


Technically the three volumes of "Theories of Surplus Value" compiled from his notes, first by Kautsky, and then independently again by the Marx and Engels institute in the USSR, are largely material that would have made it into the latter volumes of capital. Theories of Surplus Value is underrated because it goes into the history of political economy leading up to Marx. If you want a good taste of what it's like, here's Chapter 3 of Volume 1 regarding Marx's takes on Adam Smith.


Fact: 90% of leftist theorists/revolutionaries die before dropping one final banger.


why are thoughers in his room, doe

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