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from a leftist standpoint, what is the best guide to survive or even thrive in a US jail?


Jail time in the us is a death sentence- you will never be the same. The strategy is suicide vy cop before they arrest you.


Lot of forums out there with discussion. It is real simple, mind your manners, follow the guards instructions, don't associate with the gangs. If you keep to yourself you generally get left alone.


As far as thriving. Flagrel.


All that hollywood shit about getting into a fight or linking up with gangs is the last shit you want to do. Lmao at the advice hollywood screenwriters are pitting out there.


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>shawshank redemption was a lie

there goes my plan to dig with a smuggled spoon behind a poster, atleast that means there are no gay rapists or wardens forcing you to keep a bible, maybe i could still do a the last castle jail insurrection


hollywood is part of the machine to keep proles in line. of course they give bad advice how to navigate the penal system.


What are your guys thoughs on crime docs like the FBI files? How much of it is just showing the fraction of cases they do solve to create an impression that they are competent? How much has copaganda skewed our way of thinling and what can people do to unspook themselves?


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unironically if you're in a burgerstani/brazilian prison, and you failed to lift and make a strong body before getting into jail, become a strong man's bitch ass and pray he doesn't sell you to his fuckbuddies for liquore


Trade for dirt, seeds, and get the nput water pipe on the toilet (or sink if provided) to leak a bit. You can then trade crops.


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Just become a sissy


thats kinda based and makes me wanna go to jail




Kevin Rashid was writing from prison. Had some really based takes as far as I recall. It was shared back in 2016 here.


Oh my god i love being a femboy faggot so much it even makes going to PRISON seem less worrisome and scary i just wish it wasnt so frowned upon


post em if you have them, sounds intresting




I wish I looked like a femboy but I look masculine af but actually I love sucking cocks the most :(


jail or prison? they're a little different but for the most part just mind your own business and don't do anything stupid. i used to do legal work and we'd get guys who were looking at a couple years tops (usually more like 4-6 months given how crowded jails are) but during pretrial detention their jail buddies would tell them to go fuck someone up for some real or perceived slight, they obviously get caught, then they're suddenly looking at 10+ years. i get it's a sign of loyalty or honor or whatever but just don't get mixed up with the gangs in the first place


Yupp, you might "lose respect" for not retaliating but you don't want their respect lol. I was in a situation like that before where I was making friends with everyone and then there was this one asshole who dissed me. I didn't do anything for the obvious reasons you stated. This one guy who liked me before that was so hurt, like literally he was upset because basically he had believed in me, but when I let that guy disrespect me without retaliating, it made him feel betrayed lol.


So yeah just avoid associating with the really "institutionalized" guys as much as possible.


I worked with this guy who just came out, he'd been in for long spells of time. he was selling weed to the manager lol, and told me it was so he could control him. it came so naturally to him thats what prisons do.


>You get to suck hot jacked dudes in jail

Wtf I wanna go to jail now


I've been in jail and I'm not giving you retards any advice to make you feel "prepared" because it could backfire
>nobody mentions hygiene
i was in for literal hours and it bothered me, this is retarded gay fanfiction


Quintessential burgerpunk thread.


>just don't get mixed up with the gangs in the first place
do gangs try to recruit you?


If you are trying to hangout with gang members yeah. That's how it starts, first, you are "gang-affiliated" then at some point they might put you on. But regardless, if youbare getting chummy with them thinking it's going to make you safe, they will surely start asking you for favors.


I did some work in prison for school and here's the best advice I can offer:

1. The race shit is real. If you're not cliqued up with a gang, it's okay to hang out with people from other races, but if something goes down like a riot, you better be sticking with your own race

2. Don't fuck with the TV. I have seen guys get brain damage and orbits broken because of the TV. The most memorable incident was a guy who got followed into his cell and absolutely fucked up.

3. Stay away from drugs and gamblijg. In general, don't owe a debt to anyone. The interest in prison is high and often paid with an ass beating.

4. Rape isn't as common as media will depict, but predators are definitely out there. It's not really getting bent over in the shower - it starts with "gifts" like chocolate bars and ramen left on your bed, then eventually ends up in coercion.

5. If you clique up for protection, expect to put work in. You will inevitably do something that will get you another sentence if you get caught.

6. Mostly, stay the fuck out of people's business. Don't ask what their up to. If they start talking about shit you know you shouldn't be hearing, leave.

I have more, but this should get you started OP.


so basically avoid any kind of socializing?


More or less or just socialize with other guys who are squares looking to get out as fast as possible as well.


sounds awful for your psyche but i guess the alternative is even worse


Ahiihii ahhoo hoo. I have never been locked up for too long but the things you will miss most:

>Food that isn't public school/prison grade slop

>Having literally zero freedom for every minute of your waking life. Always having a guard hovering over you yelling at you for not following instructions to the T and ready to beat your ass if you talk back.

So you have no idea about psychological effects. Not socializing is the least of it.


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Not even getting into all of the other psycho shit they do. Here in Texas they have this drug rehab program which is just jail but worse. They all sit in group all day and verbally abuse each other. I heard a lot of people say regular jail time is better.


Also keeping people in 100f+(38c) degree weather with no AC.

All the solitary confinement shit(better never talk back to those guards.)


Rule 1 of Prison:
Don't get in solitary
Rule 2 of Prison:
Don't get in solitary


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Another fun fact about jail in Texas. They don't give you any water to drink. Only this strange Gatorade-like mix that everyone was convinced was full of chemical castration drugs lol. If you want some water you'll have to drink from this thing.


i assume they give you a bar of soap and make you shower every afternoon?


step one end up in a norweigian jail
step two profit

bonus step locate the cell of Behring Breivik and have a talk with him


bvrgerpvnk GEM. you VILL be obese and you VILL like it you fvcking terrorist fentanyl chvd


You won't be obese from drinking that you'll just be a literal faggot


i mean as someone who has taken chemical castration drugs as part of their transition, i can safely tell you that they don't really change your sexuality in any meaningful way besides making masturbation less of a physiological compulsion than on testosterone


I always thought they sound proofed those rooms, or maybe it's just US prisons, Soviet solitary was pretty damn solitary.

That thing is clean at least and has the seat low, the one I experienced was literally a toilet seat 6 inches lower than the sink it was next-to. The sink didn't work and nobody ever used the toilet for anything but piss because it didn't work either and was beyond filthy. Smelled in hot weather too.


Is this thread gay fanfic or we actually get to suck hot jacked dudes in american jails?


>The sink didn't work and nobody ever used the toilet for anything but piss
where do you shit then?


The guards would let you use what would best be called as a communal toilet, basically a set of stall shitters kind of like an outhouse.


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get into prisoncore (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ


This is the best advice here

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