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It would be impossible for the ruling class to interfere with your society if they couldnt find it, and one of the easiest ways to make it hard to find is to make it small and I mean really small. Basically if humans were the size of small rodents or even insects, you could have an entire nation be the size of a house or small building. I know the modern day tankies take a stance against eugenics and selective breeding (which is ironic considering the og tankies were trying to make superhumans) but in this case does it not have justification? I mean ants seem to be doing just fine :^)


That's how utopians always do it. This is a commie / anarchist board, we reject utopianism as a concept in favor of hard economics.


Anon he doesn't even respect you enough to put effort into the bait, just report it.


We should shrink you down so when I ram my cock in your ass it comes out of the other hole.


WTF I'm a communist now


I wasnt baiting, everything I said was 100% serious, we need mini humans right nao
This method could be applied to any ideology, not just communism!!!


Sixteen year old moment


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Obviously it's not possible to make humans be as big as rodents.
The brain can not be miniaturized sufficiently yet.
What can be done is creating a nation of dwarfs through genetic editing.
They require far less food and when you make buildings/clothes/cars for dwarfs then you need far less material and far less work, which allows for more needs-satisfaction per workhour.
It's efficiency on a genetic level.

Of course there are racists who say that a dwarf 's workhour output is subpar, but this is just wrong as a dwarf can operate regular-sized machines and tractors. The industrial robotic arm won't fork less just because the engineer happens to be a dwarf.

This is a new thread as the other thread is obvious bait, but using global Dwarfism to solve economic problems is an actually valid proposal.


p.s. Think this through!
Smaller human means smaller cars.
Smaller cars means smaller roads.
Smaller roads makes cities compact.
And the cities are more compact to begin with because the buildings were constructed for people with dwarfism in the first place!



move this to /siberia/


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how the fuck is what you said not bait but what i said is? youre stealing my idea!


>its another porn addict thread


So how do I turn myself into a rodent or am I supposed to just watch how rodents are having fun in their miniature communist society?


nice titties


I just want classes to stop existing bruh.


I wish I could be the size of an ant and be inserted in a cute girl's pussy.


Lol I RP this with my boyfriend sometimes

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