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I think Michel Houellebecq is some sort of plant, at the very least a useful idiot for the Bourgeois class in France to counter genuinely socialist currents in the country. I think that Houellebecq's "eerily prophetic" novels are an actual example of predictive programming but not for tragedies like 9/11, just bullshit AstroTurfed right wing movements like the French farmers protests.

Like basically he "predicts" these alleged cultural shifts which are in actuality the mood swings of the Bourgeois (i.e. migrant paranoia), and of course are broadly ignored among the French proletariat.

You know what I'm saying?


A literal whomstd've


He's an edgy french novelist


>immigrant paranoia is just a mood swing of the bourgeoisie
You have clearly never interacted with a working class european person lmao


so you're saying that you ain't no Houellebecq girl?

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