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Sorry. I know you guys don't like it but he'll keep Fascism at bay. Cry all you want but do the right thing in the end. Vote for justice.


Actually, it's Trump who is the lesser evil, because he is a communist revolutionary. Critical support for chairman Trump against the capitalist roaders and the revisionists of the Republican party!


Trump is a threat to our Democracy. Biden will protect Israel & will protect the Democratic process!


The Democratic Party are fascists turned inwards.


So you seriously support Hamas? Wow.


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>Trump will le destroy America


You're trying too hard


No I don't think I will.


back to burgerpol with you
although such a blatant shitposting on leftypol might be better straight up banned


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>The Democratic Party are fascists turned inwards.
I think it's funny the right is now into all these guys named Iron Age Eggman who think the main problem is people not working out enough when the best chance at America adopting mass athletics would've been to do just whatever Michelle Obama said.


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