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West Virginia anon here.
For the past couple of weeks, there has been a nonstop campaign (says its not funded by any campaign, so this is probably just one or two guys) on television accusing every single republican candidate of being secretly transgender/a translover/a "groomer"
They have not once attacked the democratic candidate, which is funny.


File: 1712958139678.png (276.33 KB, 318x477, ClipboardImage.png)

one of the candidates is a cars salesman and he used to do a ton of car commercials in costumes.
and theyre using picrel (isnt she so beautiful?)


>>522487 (OP)
The right is starting to wild out. Col McGregor just launched his Nuke + LPG party. He singled out China and Venezuela(??) as the new axis of evil.


holy fuck, those eyes are scary




cute and valid

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