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>Make movie about how Islamo-Communist Kerala has become a hub for grooming Hindu women into becoming ISIS breeders
>Claim 32000(!) Hindu women from Kerala alone have been tricked by le Abdools and their love-jihad tactics into joining ISIS
>Makes an absolute killing at the box-office
>Gets endorsed by our Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi Ji

>Same production crew makes movie about le ebil Naxalites

>Shows how they kill our innocent jawans, dismember innocent i̶n̶f̶o̶r̶m̶e̶r̶s̶ patriotic civilians and throw little babies into fire :'-(
>Plot doesn't involve Hindus getting cucked by Muslims
<Absolute dud, barely recovers 1/5th of its budget


Reminds me of when David Duke ran his senatorial campaign from Virginia but because he kept talking about le jooz and not noble whites being cucked by le savage n words nobody voted for him


Lmao rightoids love digging their own graves.

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