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POV: You're about to see the dumbest fucking post on leftypol.org


Considering I see more retarded posts from people posting with their regular IPs I'm guessing you're one of the dumb motherfuckers who is unable to argue back.


I want to know the reasons for doing this, and why Tor is being distrusted.


TOR was released by the US Navy, and is continuously funded by the State Dep.


Wait until you hear about this thing called the internet.


Frfr though, imagine an alternate timeline where the internet was never made public and only restricted to NATO heads


I wonder what's the ratio of people on this site using TOR for opsec reasons and how many are just shitposters ban evading


The mods are making the vpnfagsnwear the star of david like hitler did to jews lmao


>I want to know the reasons for doing this, and why Tor is being distrusted.
You are correct to question this. It goes against all logic to do this on a left board. There is no good reason for doing this. There would have to be a Very Good Reason to divide TOR users from other users and to advertise that a post was made over TOR. No such reason has been provided. It appears that adding the "glow" prefix is part of some kind of instability on the part of a single mod, and others have just acquiesced.
>why Tor is being distrusted.
The "glow" prefix was not added because TOR is distrusted, it was introduced on International Women's Day as part of a novelty, which turned out to be a trojan horse. The novelty was temporary but the glow prefix remained. Mod actions in this context can only be viewed with suspicion.
If you are Chinese, this is a perfect example why leftist movements constantly failed in the west. They have a facade of competence, they have meetings and accept suggestions, but arbitrary illogical decisions are allowed on the part of individual administrators.


>he doesn't use dark red theme


The rate of schizo-posting and pseudo-communism is markedly higher from glowanons, I thank the jannies for pointing out these habitual wreckers and counter-revolutionaries.


The amount of transphobia that gets posted over the tor node is insane, and I say that as a tor user myself.


because they cant be easily banned
which is a good enough reason for me, given the board history of getting raided and trolled they should be thankful to be allowed at all


80% shitposters i'd bet


It's hard to tell sage'd posts from normal posts with dark red, any other theme is really hard on the eyes imo


I don't see tor posters going on about third-worldism or multipolarism, though. Like I said above, the majority of leftoid garbage comes from plain IPs.


>If you are Chinese, this is a perfect example why leftist movements constantly failed in the west
What communist (who cares about "leftists") movements have succeeded in China, lmfao? They never even had a DOTP, unlike the USSR.


>TORposters aren't campist leftoids!
<Thread immediately derailed into Dengist shitflinging by glow anon


Well it seems like the mods want the shitposters, or they want to discredit TOR users and kill the TOR node. Here's an example
meaningless valueless shit like this is allowed to remain, even after reporting. It's almost as if somebody wants to kill the TOR node.


>a single post is derailing
Very smart.


99% of my posts here are shitposts because I hate the mod team.


some dicksuck got all the VPNs banned for spam


File: 1713041684494-0.png (82.37 KB, 1518x437, 651845855.png)

File: 1713041684494-1.mp4 (6.58 MB, 1280x720, 948564875.mp4)

This is why everyone who browses this site should be using TOR. Even shitlibs.


This is what democracy has always looked like, lol.


Nah. Innocuous Pro Palestine conferences were not raided in this way in the past, but you know this and just want to REEEEE.


>just want to REEEEE
I'm not the libshit whining that capitalism should become a "real democracy".


>when your takes are so cringe you have to use tor so they're not associated with you


Nobody mentioned capitalism, the thread is about TOR. Communist party members are getting arrested in the west for handing out pamphlets but you're gonna deflect about how it's dumb to take basic protective measures. You got nothing else apart from >REEEE


File: 1713046344999.jpeg (53.94 KB, 633x350, images (81)~2.jpeg)

>You should take appropriate opsec to avoid getting censored or even arrested
<Haha silly fucking libtard doesn't even know that democracy is bad. Typical leftoid behavior!
All you baby ultras are so fucking embarrassing, like you really want everyone to sniff your farts because you think you're the smartest crab in the bucket.
100% guaranteed that people like you used to blindly defend every single Stalinist crime and red capitalist project with Grover Furr-like passion less than 6 months ago before you decided to ideology shop at r/UltraLeft.


Did you even read the screenshot, retard?

Unique IPs: 12

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