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She just like me fr


I can fix her


She can ruin me


why are they describing her like a rare animal


How is she not fat?


It's fake: >>461494


I don't know if its fake. More like exaggerated.


She is ………She is…………..SHE IS FROM JABAN😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱


Can't wait for the next wholesome nippon documentary, a day in the life of a japanese fent addict


So Misatomaxxing IS a viable strategy after all…


Female freak.

But it's better if those hoes keep on wageslaving and drinking themself to death than having 5-6 children from different fathers.


whats the scientific explanation for her not getting drunk?



she's an alcoholic

I can tell you haven't been struggling with alcoholics in your family



I know, and it's not a consolation.

The real consolation is that asianbros invented copes that incels all around the world can enjoy today. They were the real incel vanguard in the 80/90s.


triggered much buddy?


I swear I saw a reply talking about her channel, but it disappeared.


My uncle was an alcoholic and it killed him when I was little.


It's in the webm thread, linked from here: >>522712


ok but does she brap on stream?


She might have cancer and not know it. Cancer makes you lose weight aggressively even when you eat like shit


she is sad because the penguin is voring her


Idk but I thought asian people explode when they get drunk so this has really baffled me

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