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Cum has changed.

It's no longer about children, family, or parenting. It's an endless series of serotonin battles, fought by cock and balls. Cum, and it's consumption of life, has becume a well oiled machine.

Cum has changed.

Coomer-tagged soldiers carry Coom-tagged weapons, use Coom-tagged gear. Serotonin inside their bodies enhance and regulate their emotions. Genetic control, masturbation control, penis inspection control, cock control… everything is monitored and kept under control.

Cum… has changed.

The age of deterrence has become the age of control, all in the name of stopping testicular cancer.

He who controls the coom, controls the history.

Cum… has changed.

When the penis is under total control, cooming becomes routine


It was a while since we had a proper copypasta thread


fuck u u fucking ice monkey this is why the left isnt taken seriously in the west, its because of middle class baristas like you that dye their hair and talk about polyamory more than worker rights (unless its about sex work - i wonder why) you are a fucking disgusting hypocrite smug liberal. abu ghraib white woman smile ass haver. if you were a game console, you'd be neogeo, cus nobody plays with u. go play with a fucking dildo. bitch i probably did more for the working class in a month than u have in two years - and what are u gonna say?? u were doing lsd and thats why u lost the streamed internet debate? fuck you. when the revolution, dont be surprised that is isnt like what it was in ur magical cartoon head. fucking hippie smoking weed in palestine while palestinian revolutionaries ruthlessly criticize them to their face and they dont even realize it ass. prolly start rebeling when he idolized a dude on youtube who later got videos of himself shoving bananas up his ass, yeah real good visual, pseud fuck. you arent putting your heart into this shit like i have. what do u know about nights reading? no, you were staying up sorting your porn folders (gotta differentiate 3d pig from hentai am i right). i was searching up historical contexts referenced in 1800s/1900s texts. go watch barney thats more your speed gayface.


oh boy a copypasta thread

Lets say you were saddam hussein,congrats!, you just invaded kuwait,now the coalition is gathering on your border,how would you defeat the americans?

it's pretty easy

I Poison every water supply, raze every town to rubble, I go full scorched earth. Burn as much oil, gas, coal as possible to the point where climate change
is most likely caused by me, completely level Kuwait to that of the grand canyon,there you go, no one gets kuwait,blow up all radios and electrics in the
country to stop the CIA from spying on us, divide my soldiers as seperate guerilla groups, Strap soldiers with explosives and have them fake surrender,
then blow themselves up, have soldiers bury themselves in the sand just to surprise the mutts with bayonets, Fire on medics, fire on the red
cross,execute every P.O.W I somehow manage to capture by beheading them with katanas and scimitars, and broadcast it live on air, then dump the
bodies in the open for them to see, capture any non-american soldiers who joined the coalition and make them either join us, or force them to march
through the deserts twice that of bataan, booby trap bridges, oil derricks, and roads. Conscript civilians at gun point and use them as human shields.
Disperse soldiers into the desert, and have them blend in with any towns, viet cong style, massacre any towns that refuse to cooperate absolutely. Use
chemical weapons, manufacture them if not available. Use any aircrafts i had or captured as kamikaze, then i crash those planes 9/11 style into US
outposts, raid US convoys and camps at night, make a whole cult out of this war, the cult that if iraq was lost to america, other Middle East countries are
next, maybe even leak any information that proves this.
I doubt I would win, but the brutality of this war will lessen America's will to ever again involve itself in the Middle East, or anywhere else,i'll fight burger
autism with autism.


this one isn't that popular today have at it

We know everything. We remember everything. We get it: Xionists are not human. From now on, the word "Xionist" has become the most terrible curse
for us. From now on, the word "Xionist" empties the gun. Let's not talk. Let's not be indignant. We will kill. If you don't kill at least one Xionist in one day,
your day will be wasted. If you think your neighbor is going to kill a Xionist for you, you don't understand the threat. If you don't kill the Xionist, the
Xionist will kill you. He will take you and torture them in accursed Xion. If you cannot kill a Xionist with a bullet, kill a Xionist with a spear. If there is calm
in your area, if you are waiting for a fight, kill the Xionist before the fight. If Xionism is left to live, the Xionist will hang the Palestinian man and disgrace
the Palestinian woman. If you kill a Xionist, you kill another - there is nothing more pleasant for us than Xionist corpses. Do not count the days. Miles are
not counted. Think of one thing: the Xionists you killed. Kill the Xionist! asks the old mother. Kill the Xionist! - This is a child praying for you. Kill the
Xionist! - This home screams. do not miss. do not miss. Kill


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American culture is centered around cars. They live in car-dependent cities. They breathe in the toxic car fumes. they eat in their cars, drive to work in their cars, drive back from work in their cars, fuck hookers in their cars, sleep in their cars when tha missus kicks them out for insulting her family's car and fucking hookers in their cars, when they don't have a car They rely on car services to travel. they built hundreds of acres of parking lots for their cars, They killed hundreds of thousands of high-speed rail proposals to mass produce their beloved cars. They listen to car podcasts. They read car magazines, watch car commercials with glee, they wait in lines of cars every year for the car convention to see the new car flavor of the year, spend money that could have been otherwise used to build a new train station on thousands of new cars, and their second richest man is the CEO of a car company. They dress and act like drivers. One of their most iconic films and songs are about drivers. They draw the entirety of their modern culture from cars. they share gifs about cars, meme about cars, create fbi.govs and forums centered around cars, They post pictures of their cars on social media. They take selfies of themselves inside their cars, they hang stickers on their cars, and they watch NASCAR in worship of cars. Their biggest event of the year involves throwing parties in honor of sports funded by car commercials. They use car rhetoric like "in the fast lane" and "backseat driver." and "riding shotgun", When you say "Tesla," to an american, they're not thinking of the father of modern electrical and mechanical devices. They're thinking of the car company. the one owned by edison's incarnate, Their cities are completely overrun with cars. They worship their COGbot police force, disproportionately filled with drivers, and their global police force of soldiers, also filled with drivers. Their fathers sit around fantasizing about retiring and driving collectable vintage cars they saw on top gear. Their mothers sit around listening to Driver's License by Olivia Rodrigo, while their troubled kids lock themselves in their rooms watching Drive by Nicolas Winding Refn. They worship cars like the F-150 and the Jeep, and the Mustang, and the old Cadillac while attacking the trains that actually built their country before cars took over. And they are proud of it, their movies are filled with cars; their video games contain more cars than trains; and their music is full of lyrics about driving the best cars. They sit through 40 minutes of car commercials just to watch a 1-hour television program called top gear, the four wheeled devils have taken over america. They consider it a rite of passage to learn to drive and get a license. Their children play Red Light, Green Light, and collect toy cars and watch animated movies with anthropomorphized talking cars. They obsess about cars to a point where "Ford" does not make them think of their 38th president but of the car company built by a sympathiser to nazi Germany, another county known for its car-o-philia. Their brains have been subjected to decades of carwashing to the point where the idea of owning a car and the American dream are no longer separable. They have lived among cars for so long that they can't possibly imagine an America without cars. Cars are America's new Gods and if you complain about cars in the presence of an American it's will be seen as the same as blaspheming God or shitting on the flag, And yet, despite it all they will tell you how much they, believe it or not, hate cars and how no one actually watches Fast & Furious and they are just pretending to love cars for the sake of it, but the evidence speaks for itself in that America, from the pickup trucks in the swamps of the deep south to the Honda Civics in the Great Lakes of the north, has always been and will forever be a nation of brain-carwashed car-loving mothernature-fucking drivers.

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