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File: 1713114981130.png (1.24 MB, 1913x679, ClipboardImage.png)


as you can see, this is a map from 2020, containing the areas in which protests in the name of george flyod with more than 100 participants have participated, why were there more protests in first world countries than in the global south? no recorded or very minimal protests in russia, china, africa or the arab world, are they racist? should we invade them to eradicate their reactionary ways?


Bring better bait


Obvius bait, sage op.


The real answer is that nobody cared about george floyd in the first world and they wanted an excuse to riot and loot (which is based) after the covid epidemic and threats of homelessness started eating away at their financial stability. Ayatollah Khomeini condemned the US for killing george floyd but it was a joke since he didn't care either. Also george floyd was murdered by loss of blood flow, not choking or fent.



i tried my best at a good shitpost


In 10 minutes you baited 3 people, wich is not a small number on leftypol. Good job! Keep trying


> loss of blood flow,
That's how a choke hold works. It's about blocking the arteries not the windpipe.


thanks, actually i made this after i remembered a stupid quora question asking why are there no black people in russia, are they racist?

as if not having a history with african slaves and being far away from africa makes them racist


People 4 years ago were so hung up on him saying "i cant breathe" that they forgot his arteries were being blocked by the choke hold and that even fent wouldnt have explained his death. George floyd fixation was a psyop through and through though because it was always the liberal media focusing on slandering him or absolving him of his sins that they forgot the 40 million americans who were at risk of homelessness before the eviction moratorium was announced by the us government. People had reasons to riot and loot that were totally unrelated to george floyd.


you live in merica, has the homeless situation become any better in your state? do you still spot the homeless when back from work?


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Regardless they have suffocated a lot of people like Eric Garner. But yeah of course the thing was a bull fixation on this one case where they do this shit all the time to this day. No one was serious about wanting change.


The problem has gotten worse since all the yankees, floridian subhumans and people fleeing blue states and texas have all attempted to flee their unaffordable home states to shit up our state with their right-wing demagoguery and their entitled attitudes. Real estate has become less affordable.


> why were there more protests in first world countries than in the global south?

Police brutality, racism, inequality, extreme poverty, etc, etc. Have been the norm in the periphery for decades. The third world would not go to the streets because a american man was killed and tortured. This happens everyday.
Just look at how many people the south american police kill in latin america in comparisson to the US police. China and Russia don't have many black people, and i am sure that they put racists demagoges in jail.

> are they racist? should we invade them to eradicate their reactionary ways?

No we should not invade these countries under any circunstances. They will liberate themselves, they don't need US or NATO intervention to save them. The more independent the periphery becomes from the US/Europe imperialism, the better, and less reactionary they will become with time.


you knew this was a bait, and yet you engaged reasonably anyway, respect


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who the hell are the 100 protesters in that tiny island south of iceland? who are they protesting against? the four off duty norwegian cops on a vacation?


must be the comfiest protest


is this the real Shay


Based take shay


Honestly? Idk. I am not used to him having such sharp language and serious tone


going outside can change people


they dont got internet


They do


based chad and south sudan going outside and touching grass or sand, not caring about the culture war


Chad keeps getting chad
South sudan keeps getting South sudan


reddit type idpol garbage


>why dont they care about amerigaaaaaa



ameritards when not everything is about them

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