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anyone want to get nightmares before sleep?

post here the most unsetling and horrifying and creepiest videos/images as humanly possible


Just get high on nutmeg uygha


nutmeg? seeds? ohhhhhh…. I mean someone could just meditate for 4 hours straight in a sound-proof room and still get hallucinations the same way(happened to me), never going in those rooms again


just eat lots of greasy food before sleeping, enjoy


Try datura


it's literally poisonous


Most plants are


lol good to know… guess I won't chew on literally every random plant I find now


Nightmares happen during sleep, it's a kind of dream. You don't get nightmares before sleeping dumbass.


>he doesn't know about hallucinations so immersive that take you to another place even with your eyes open, effectively blinding the person that is being immersed, they might know that they are not inside the place generated by the hallucionations, but cannot see the outer world, they can only feel the existence of the outer world with their other senses.


>3rd vid
weird af
english is my 2nd language chill


File: 1713229847470.txt (14.3 KB, eiriel.txt)

on the topic of deliriants, i present you with the eiriel saga
don't do deliriants, kids


I wish I could remember more of my dreams.

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