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Anyone feel iffy about Gattsu(a Georgian youtuber whose associated with yugopink and hakim)
a few weeks back I watched a video of his films on soviet films and I thought he was based and so I subscribed to him but watching some other stuff of his, it seems obvious he hates communism(also he seems like one of those porn addicts who hides it behind a layer of irony)


shit like this, a video about how communism ruined eastern europe and then a cropped clip of gay porn(as a joke)


oh, that guy..

well atleast he's not a total pussy for neoliberalism, still has some catchy takes, like supporting palestine and hating on the expat virus and canada, that's 3 postitive points out of a hundred minus


isn't he a friend of wow_mao



When I was in university in my third world country(where most of us were from the upper-middle classes, I encountered guys like this, very hedonistic and usually really into rap music and would try to talk "black" when speaking english as well, they had aa nominal dislike for the US and some aspects of capitalism but they didn't like communism because there would be less materialism(based) and allegedly less art. also they were oddly sexual as well, randomly bringing up porn or talking about people's private parts in the middle of conversation.(this is very uncommon for people to talk about)


<anticommunist moron


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I think we discussed this topic half a year ago regarding a thread about rap music. There is a large number of people from non-Western nations who by the nature of their class and the current state of the world are going to be rather westernized. Instead of just trying to make an effort to learn about and connect with their own heritage and be more secure about themselves, they instead try to appropriate the style of black american rappers, not realizing that it's also western


He could just be a angsty teenager.
I knew kids growing up in my village too, Anon. I knew a kid who couldn't get laid to save his skin and he'd play off this persona with American rap and basketball. I think its just coping, they grow out of it.


he's 30+ years old


youtubrs r like cats tho, they age slowr than humans


>t.when internet funnymen get accused of sexting minors


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Ali g was taking this phenomenon in the UK


I had a mutual who was an Arab Marxist living in Europe who once discussed this topic with me. He mentioned that many other MEAN kids he knew (who weren't wealthy, but they all had pretty comfortable lives.) but there seemed to be an obsession with American rap music and it's aesthetic and he told me stories about some of them who got into debt by renting out fancy cars or hiring strippers, but they would never dress like that in front of their parents or older relatives cause they'd often be called gay for it.


That barely scratches the surface. You haven't seen my JOEYY - Ukraine connection map. I'm not kidding. Online anime rap irony for white people and techno parties for hip Ukrainians, it's all the same. It's just substrate. Shills attracting rubes who don't recognize the fake "cool guy" persona and zero restrictions on behavior as generational wealth and embodied cultural capital


>>523901 (me)
You are falling for the same trick but you're so pathetic you don't even get actual artists or concerts. You get Hasan and Deprogram shilling for Ukraine. Hasan literally tried to get his under-25 crowd to go fight in Ukraine. You have very short attention spans. I write books. You fall behind by keeping up.
Show me an example of a leftoid streamer who hasn't shilled for Ukraine and I'll change my tune. There's just not that many of them,
I know you find these creators by process of elimination between "fuck republicans and democrats, but also fuck russia and iran".
I've read your "theory", it consists of French pedophiles commenting on how crazy it is that people watch television now.


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meanwhile black americans are turning to islam


I actually looked into this and the conversation rate is fairly insignificant, it's usually associated with groups who are connected to afro-centric sentiments


based schizophrenic


don't do this. don't psychoanalyze a stranger on the internet and try to build an archetype of a person to categorize even more people with. that's /pol/ shit. it's ok to criticize the ussr. even if those criticisms are naive and/or ill informed, which i'm not saying his are. but in any case if he is from an ex-soviet country i'd say his experience is of some value and at least worth hearing, again even if his conclusions are naive and/or ill informed.


I'm not psychoanalyzing anyboy, if a guy inserts random porn clips and references porn terms constantly, then he's likely a porn addict.


shut the fuck up, anti-porn fags are the most annoying demographic on the internet


Okay, now I get it. listen I'm not going to pretend that I wasn't better than you. I wasn't, I was into really messed up things and I was hurting myself but I was also unconsciously normalizing in a sector that abuses and objectifies vulnerable people. I've gotten better and you can too.


shoot yourself mormonfag


>Starts sobbing
Shhhhhhhhh anon, there there


i might spam this thread with futa porn when i feel like it


>i will spam porn, please validate my addiction
this just makes you look like a really sad person


Nah, he's spittin


>a Georgian youtuber whose associated with yugopink and hakim
Never heard of him before today and I see no association between him and the Deprogram guys


doesnt your average georgian worship stalin?


The whole moralfaggotry surrounding boobie vids is retarded. Trying to fight porn is like trying to fight piracy. We live in the digital age; people are going to seek out and watch it, whether you like it or not.


just wait until they start chemically castrating everyone anon


t.depressed addict


The addict argument always boils down to "you can't stop me" notice how they posted that weird shit in response to someone saying "showing off your hentai collection is sad attention whoring" which is completely reasonable.


No I'm not. I watch porn occasionally, but I also eat sweets occasionally, and my doctor says I'm healthy. It's simply a matter of knowing how to discipline yourself and not overindulging.

I wasn't trying to argue that porn is "good". "Good" and "bad" are man-made constructs. I'm saying that people are going to look at porn regardless, which is an objective fact.


good god how did this post: >>524099 (me) devolve into this retarded discussion. to the anon arguing agains the puritan, you're being baited.


>it's usually associated with groups who are connected to afro-centric sentiments
I've always wondered why this is the case. You think afrocentric type dudes would do the pagan larper thing neo nazis do and try to RETVRN to the various indigenous African religions (or at least revisionist/syncretic versions of them). But instead a lot of afrocentric dudes just switch out Christianity for a different Abrahamic religion they view as more "Afrocentric" but was nevertheless brought to them by conquest from the Arab peninsula.


because every significant and functioning African kingdom was mostly Islamic.


Vast majority of reactionary guys are like this.

They either talk punk or ghettofab. They always blast punk rock or gangster rap and philosophise the songs and fashions of said music.

Reactionaty politics is based mainly off of "le old school foolz" mentality.
Their moral compass is based on sports and comic books.


why do people think cringe is only a youthful thing thats age dependent?
The world wouldnt be even half the mess its in people cringe really is age dependent.

Rap amd punk are the two most commercialiswd forms of western music. Not even the music but the culture.
Its now being used as the new aesthetic zeitgeist after the Boomer era (1960s to 80s).

In fact everything in this "current-year" (as in the past three decades) is from punk and rap cultures.
The 1990s saw globalism permeating rap and punk. In the 2000s, oldies was the 60s and 70s.

This. We are seeing alot more of them.


Dafuq?!Boom! is the superior Georgian slav memer.


skibidism with stalinist characteristics.


I think he was embarrassing, but I wouldn't call that guy a reactionary though,


Hes jocular though?
Like a chav or gangsta?

Reactionary culture does tend to swing jocular


he's a guy who grew upper middle class(though he comes from a non-dominant cultural family) but instead of learning about how own culture and heritage(he can't even speak his ancestral tongue) he's started trying to be a some rapper.


yea this has been a thing amongst non western reactionaries for at least two decades.


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hes 23


gattsu is not a bad guy for someone of his age who grew up in Georgia
Theres a serious attempt to rewrite history and somehow make us out as this vanguard of historical european values which is disgusting but works on people like him who grew up poor but had a chance to strike it big because even a poor youtuber is a rich Georgian


he still is a bit of an imbecile who refuses to correct his political mistakes because of extreme irony poisoning


This. /leftypol/ wants purity when it comes to Ostlagia, but that's not how things work, especially in Georgia. If a /leftypol/tard would talk to a protester in front of the Tbilisi parliament, they would either kill themselves or get killed. Some people yearn for Western cock very badly.


what about being an ironic porn addict?


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Georgian here;
No. What the hell are you talking about lol.


That's really the two options you get in Georgia though; Western cock and Russian cock. Trying to sell Russia as "based actually" after they invaded and bombed the country as recently as 2008 is a lost cause. Western Support here is basically seen as assurance that Georgia won't get eaten after Ukraine is done with.
There's a trend in leftist circles of viewing Russia as somehow preferable to Westoids, but those judgements are usually passed by people continents away who will never have to worry about being glassed by Russians in the coming decade.
Also on the subject of Gattsu, I think he's like, tolerable. He's not a revolutionary Marxist by any stretch but he does a solid job at pointing out faults of the Eastern European ruling classes.


>expat virus
Whats wrong with expats? I personally wanna become an expat one day


communists and fascists do, libs don't

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