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I'm taking a trip to Paris soon. What cool leftist things should I see while I'm there?


Paris comune and french revolution


Fuck Paris. That edited video about Russia's planes bombing Paris I got my hopes up because I hoped so much It was real. Fuck it, fuck it so much, there are only reactoids and libs over there. The history of Paris is erasing and sweeping leftist history under the rug. Like Haussmanian urbanism being a strategy to ease the crackdown of insurgencies.
If you want to look some nice stuff in France, go in the province, Paris just sucks.



wow, a real frenchman

what do you think of the paris syndrom?, it's like a "studied" case in east asian countries, japan korea and the likes, counducted on people, mostly the eldery and younglins, who went on a trip to paris fuelled by an inflated images of romance, good wine on the Seine and ratatouille, then came back from their trips completely depressed by what they saw, let down, some even had an existential crisis and cried at their embassies in paris, and when asked about it, complaining about the trash, and all the blacks and arabs, and the extensive riots and police presence.


Go where exactly?


not much but theres plenty of fascism to see


I'm also going to Caen and Saint-Lo. Anything cool there?


watch out for the dog poo on the streets


When I was in Paris I googled where to get weed in Paris and top result pointed to some kind of Railway station. It worked. They smoke hashis tho. Good shit.


ok but in every city it's sold by the railway station




Poop on the street


Paris syndrome is just a fancy way to say "being butthurt about finding out a bourgeois marketed fantasy is only a fantasy."

Ariège is pretty place. Corse too, although it's arguable whether it's french or not. everything southwest for some nice food.

Didn't go to that thoses town specifically although in Normandy, there are the Etretat cliffs that are pretty neat. Also the Claude Monet museum have quite a nice garden.


i went to paris on a business trip and it was a similar sensation to visiting disneyworld lol


I always hated libs who idolized paris. My expectations were low and I was still shocked. Dirty ass city.


oh boy, i sure love being a north african on the bridge in paris in 1961, oh, is that maurice papon? i should talk to him


there's no place on earth that hasn't been corrupted by capitalism


North korea and the moon reaction


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*blocks your path*


Should we tell him? Does he know?


Honestly, I don't know what to recommend to you. The PCF headquarters perhaps? (which is a joke of a party these days)
There used to be squats where leftists organized various social events, but since the laws on squatting were tightened up a few years ago, squats are kept secret and for inhabitation only.

Just stroll around the city and enjoy.
Be aware that historically, the rich bourgeois parts of the city are in the south-west, and the poor prole/lumpen parts are in the north-east, so don't be surprised if everything is expensive near Auteuil, or if you see crackheads near Porte de la Chapelle.
Also don't go eating near touristic attractions and do not enter into any strip-club near Pigalle, otherwise you will get scammed. 13ème arrondissement and Belleville have some cheap food joints if you want to eat on a budget.

If some guy noticed you are a tourist and try to sell you something, or try to put a bracelet around your wrist or want to do a random dance with you or anything like this, just say "non merci" and walk away. Always put your wallet and your phone in your front pockets.
Also I hope for you you will avoid the Olympic Games season, otherwise RIP.

>what do you think of the paris syndrom?
Well, I think a lot of people don't realize Paris is a big city, whose urban area hosts 12 million inhabitants, and that it's a city where most people either have a stressful life where they spend hours in dysfunctional public transports every day to go their jobs, or try to survive the best they can despite how expensive everything is, which mean sometimes you will have to deal with people being rude, or begging aggressively or trying to scam you.
It's like people complaining about Paris being dirty. Unless you come when garbage cleaners go on strike like pic related, Paris is just as dirty as any other big Western city such as Milan or Berlin.
If your ho(s)tel is located in a dirty part of town full of immigrants like Barbès, it's simply because you are too poor to afford the hotels in the fancy parts of the city, so deal with it.
It doesn't help that quite a few Parisians are pretentious cunts.

Paris isn't a quaint touristic town, it's a global economic hub with a massive inequality problem. If you want le charming romantic experience, go to Austria or a small Italian town.


Don't they strike like every year? I don't think they were on strike when I went but who knows. Still was piles of trash everywhere.

Milan is another ghetto ass city. LMAO. I've never been to Berlin but I haven't heard good things.


Dog shit everywhere, homeless everywhere


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>Dog shit everywhere,
Also Frenchmen peeing on everything.


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>Don't they strike like every year?
I don't know, but they earn minimum wage and it's almost impossible to live in Paris with minimum wage, so they are right to do so.

Barcelona, Rome, Amsterdam, Budapest, Bucharest also have parts of their cities flooding with trash. That's what happen when many people live in a densely populated area. I think the only truly clean big city I have seen is Vienna, and it's not that big. I know some places like Tokyo are both big and clean, but you can't expect a city with millions of inhabitants to be as clean as a small town with a population of 20,000, especially in the neoliberal West.
Nobody is forcing you to go to Paris, France already has way enough tourists as it is, and most provincial French people don't like Paris either. Personally, I enjoy going there every once in a while despite its caveats (expensive, polluted, confusing metro system, savage people asking for cigarettes and not even saying "merci", posh assholes, etc.)


Yeah I have no interest to ever return to Paris. I saw the knock off Roman conqueror gate, I saw the glorified radio tower, I saw the glass pyramid, I saw the ugly lady with the weird smile, I saw the Battleship Gothic church(the one in Milan is cooler.) I think there's not much after that.


Franks never stopped being barbarians


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que-ce-que ca? how are we women supposed to use zis?


>I saw the Battleship Gothic church(the one in Milan is cooler.)
I agree, Notre Dame is overrated and the cathedral of Milan is much more badass, also they sell cheap fulfilling panzerotti right next to the latter instead of trying to scam people with 40€ plates of mediocre food.
I remember being drunk once and saying to random Parisians the cathedral of Orleans and Strasbourg were better than Notre Dame and they were rolling their eyes because of they couldn't handle the truth.
Pic related, that's the current state of Notre Dame when I was there recently.


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c'est fini..


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c'est tres, tres fini


is that the girl from when i go to pirate bay? yes, im both cultured and uncultured


>Man still trying to coast off of a romcom he made 20 years ago


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>20 years ago
i'm fucking old



1. I guess the entire picture is set up. The entire composition is too good. The boat going along the river, the guy greeting it with his hat in his hand, the women watching with a deliberately disgusted look and walking very close instead of staying further and looking away.
2. If they were non-op trans women, they could use that. Indeed, I wish there were pictures or even videos of some very hot and attractive trans woman, one that definitely pass, using this kind of urinal. The chain reaction of uncontrollable triggering it would cause in many people would be an escalation even more dangerous than what's going on in the Middle East right now.
Thank God for the Netherlands!
These days, everything is a remake. At least someone has some dignity left and don't want to do something completely meaningless which could also bomb at the box office and jeopardise the legacy of the original work.
Old but gold! Welcome to the club!


It's not set-up, French people just naturally live like they are art.


How silly am I? Why didn't I think about that?


tu as bon goût anon



the train to leave

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