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If you had to fight a medium sized wolf right now, would you be able to defeat it? No guns, but use everything you have around you currently.


File: 1713411185596.jpg (180.02 KB, 1720x1329, door_frame_illo.jpg)

I got the best wolf proof defense.


They could teleport a wolf to your room when you go to bed.


>quickly wrap coat around forearm
>knife in the eye while wolf is latched onto forearm
>repeat as necessary


Using the arm guard works with dogs, wolves on the other hand go straight for your throat

You need to overpower a wolf to survive


it's impossible to defeat a wolf without guns, I'd use a jet lighter flamethrower if I had to deal with multiple wolfs, but if it's just one wolf then a pocket knife is enough
defend throat area with forearm


>No guns, but use everything you have around you currently.
I'm taking a shit right now, I'm pretty much fucked o guess.


Is the wolf male or female. This is very important


become turd slinging primate


the wolf is non-binary


Angry cobson.png



Let me rephrase this. Can i seduce the wolf by whipping up my 6 inched artifically knotted penis


In what sense would I have to defeat the wolf? Intellectually? Sexually? Economically?


Inside me are two wolves. I think two is more than one, therefore I win.


5000 years have trained man to be the apex of the food chain.

In any situation involving competition within a natural habitat, man will always come out on top.

Teleporting a wolf into my bedroom whilst I sleep would not change that. I have at my disposal furniture and objects that I can improvise into rudimentary arms in order to fight this beast. The wolf has only his teeth.

Put me in any situation, and I will triumph. I am a borne survivor. Throw me in a desert, chuck me in a jungle full of savages, and I will come back as a god.


Climb a tree and wait for it to get bored.


I have like three different knives in my room but I can't properly gauge how strong a wolf is so I'm just gonna say no in any situation


use fire >>524590 to scare it


you'll defeat it with fire(because it will run away from you)


Even eaiser, just play this on your phone.


aight Imma just download this 10 hour vid into my phone real quick
no but seriously that's a great idea, video bookmarked


boomers dont know theres a loop video option


combine this with:
-flashbangs(stun grenades)
-smoke grenades
-fuckton of firecrackers
-this audio with huge guitar speaker to deafen everyone
-optional flamethrower in case of emergency

ultimate sensorial destruction, 100% escape guaranteed

rip boomers


but practically, one flashbang would be enough, I don't think there's a better alternative to that if the objective is to scare/disorientate the wolf so that you can escape it + having guns in case of emergency if the escape fails

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