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Why do Reactionaries like dogs so much while leftists prefer cats?


Because cats are better


another dumb flawed pattern recognition cultural thread



Reactionaries don't like anything, as for leftists, they love life and the world, the truth and the just, and understand there is nothing more precious then life. Every leftist, in their final moments, can safely say that they dedicated their whole life, their labor and their struggle, to the most precious ideal there exists: the liberation of human kind,


An awful lot of dead people under your system despite the fact you love life so much


live Marx reaction


yeah i own a cat im a heckin anticapitalist im doing praxis rn


least moralist 'leftist'


At least you are doing something…
Dong forget to voot with confidence!


dogs are there to guard property.


Lazy /pol/ thread


>noooooo you have to an edgy misanthropist freak


Anecdotally, I see lefties fairly evenly having cats and dogs, but I'd take a few whacks at why you'd think this:
- k9 units
- omegaverse dynamics / viewing the masses as sheep to be hearded by self proclaimed good wolves
- having a cat is more like having a roommate than ownership, which leads to a more guaranteed sense of comraderie over property owner mindsets.
- cats act like autistic humans, which leads to cat owners being more equipped to deal with neurodiversity, and thus less in tune with the current reactionary narrative.
- purebredness isn't as big of a thing for cats, like they exist but they don't have as distinct of shapes as dog breeds do.


personally its because since covid rich people and dogs have become somewhat of a meme. nearly every single rich person in a rich neighbourhood has one or two of those fugly little dogs, or some ridiculously oversized leaves shits lying around stink of rotten eggs


File: 1713470661959.png (298.55 KB, 563x530, 1711520121490.png)

>pureblood half


I like both. Dogs are like a playful roommate who always wants to hang out but is messy and often annoying to deal with. Cats are like the roommate you nod to a couple times a week and occasionally see making dinner.


Cats are based. Dogs are cringe. Leftists are based. Rightists are cringe. Simple as that.


I had a dog when I was a kid but then I started being allergic to them so I just stuck to cats.


Cats are awful for the environment.


So are dogs

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