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Hey everyone, just got unbanned because my last schizo rambling was banned under allegations of Chat GPT usage (no fucking idea how lmfao, I'm pretty sure some furry on the mod team just seethed at the fact I was shitting pretty heavily on furries)

So hows everyone doing? I just got off of a week-long break off the internet due to brokeassery, may or may not have been approved for neetbux (got a whole budget with that shit), am hypothetically trying to get accepted into a local work program, and I feel like my life is on the up for the first time in a while.


Can't you just find yourself a sugardaddy?


Mods ban too liberally on here wtf


I got banned from grindr and i need a new phone number, the plan is to eventually get enough consistent bread in to continually afford a phone plan, which here in leafland is not fucking cheap


thats good to hear your on the up I was wondering what happened to you
I got banned 2 weeks for accusing someone from being from /pol/ because the mod thought I was from /pol/


Yeah, I was also banned from 4Chang for rule 1 (Dedicated "NO CP OR INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO MAKE GUNS AND DRUGS" rule) for handing out the fursona names of the furries in my local community whom I know are pedophiles, zoophiles, a combination of the two, or a supporter.

in other news i was accepted into the work program, and will likely be taken off my benefits that I literally just got approved for jej


not this obnoxious retard again


oh come on man im not that bad

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