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File: 1713477030083.jpg (676.75 KB, 1600x1124, 1713476650309.jpg)


What is the material explanation for the obsession of far eastern cultures for females with animal features?


they don't know how to draw males


libertarian angloids love buying chinese cat little toddler girl content, that's why


they're cute


the only animal feature are the ears, they look alien


>Cat ears = Better Hearing
>Tail = Better Balance
>Purring = Literally Regen like why is this not something every animal does wtf?
Humanity yearns for an upgrade.

Also it's basically furry but normal since anti-furry brainworms are a very recent western thing. Artists add stuff because it looks cool.


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>What is the material explanation for the obsession of far eastern cultures for females with animal features?
Next you will say they invented animation.


what is the material explanation for your racism


>anti-furry brainworms
A completely modern and western thing. Kemonomimi have been a thing for decades.


the West must RETVRN


Lack of abrahamic anthropocentrism

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