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Is stalinism 20th century enlightened absolutism?


Equally poignant question:
Is stalinism 20th century enlightened multivariate calculus?
retarded thread. You should feel bad


Guilt is for the weak.


Guilt is also for the people who drink milk.


File: 1713539880369.jpeg (174.12 KB, 1200x1600, image.jpeg)

Stalin was one of the Enlightened ones. a buddha.


File: 1713543186215.png (189.88 KB, 705x940, feuchtwanger stalin.png)

Stalin ain't even want a cult of personality. The party forced it onto him.


It's the logical conclusion of Lassalleanism, plain and simple.
Sounds like what a CEO would say after mass layoffs.
>I love my workers, I didn't want to do it, but the state of the economy and the board of directors forced my hand.


the foot looks like a dick at that angle


Stalin was awful, nothing but the worst to his dick riders.


>landowners and capitalists were the demiurge
stalin was gnosispilled? where are the powerful gnostic mystics to save us now…

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