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File: 1713570186823-0.jpg (270.12 KB, 1536x2034, o-MAO-BOOK-facebook.jpg)

File: 1713570186823-1.jpg (94.47 KB, 400x580, e37-513.jpg)



this song is a certified hood classic


congratulations on finding your phone weedanon


based and uhhh



Is this what it's like to be high? Maybe I should try it.


Thanks. Went out drinking and had a great time, but my hangover was nasty this morning. Another point for weed ig


OP are you female?


What's the original song? It sounds so familiar.



Thanks. How could I have no recognize this?


somtimes it happens when you forget a song


The narrative tension of whether anon wouldn't or would find the phone…..

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