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After a short investigation, I came to discover that the United States may bear the (chinese?) characteristics of socialism.
Basically their big enterprises like Boeing function like SOEs, the state just pays them when they are about to fail. And the subsidies or tax breaks for the local enterprises thus helping the workers are endless like the Green New Deal showed. They also protect their proletarians by threatening Mexico into not giving BYD subsidies just like when China is threatening Vietnam when America is trying to invest in that country.
Furthermore they put billionaires in prison like Sam Bankman-Fried or Elizabeth Holmes which proves they are against the unruly bourgeoisie.
And let's not forget how they abolished extreme poverty and build a lot of infrastructure in a short time a while ago which is a characteristic of socialism.
Must I say something about the second amendment and what Marx said about proletarians not ever abandoning their guns?

In the end I think that the US may be the most developed of the lower stage socialism countries, which is why their conservative political camp, and the other socialist states like France or Iran are going a bit insane.


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OP you've cracked the code.


So it means that if Russia is socialist country (because they spend a lot on defense and they deny the katyn massacre) and the US is socialist then the ukraine war is… an inter proletarian war???


Every conflict since Franco-Prussian War has been leftist infighting.


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We achieved communism more than a century ago but we keep running into misunderstandings, we need left unity

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