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Happy four twenty, /siberia/!



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weed communism will win


Blaze it


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Happy 4/20


i hit a blunt twice back in college but I didn't feel anything because i didn't hit it hard enough probably. what does it feel like????


Hungry, horny, and sleepy all at once.


It completely resets the feeling you get after a week of studying and/or working yourself to the limit and lets you go again. Also if you just nutted it will make you horny enough to fuck again in 30 seconds. If you do it all the time it turns you into a mega loser but it has no long term negatives unless you smoke it


Also a lot more sensitive, forgetful, and easily amused


It can improve your mental agility and reduce your pain sensitivity without blocking it out. Cancer patients like it because it doesn't numb you, but still provides relief


I notice that it helps me focus and stuff but it has a brain fog effect on me, it could be because I'm smoking stuff like HHCPO and using it chronically for my anxiety


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happy caturday




Happy 4/20!


depends on your brain chemistry and how much you take and what kind of mood you're in. The first time I smoked weed I was only 15 but I hit it really hard and we were hotboxing so I ended up really skin sensitive and kinda writhing around in my car seat. We got out and ran around a park for a while and I had mild paranoia and visual disturbances in my peripheral vision. As I smoked more I built up tolerance and my effects were less pronounced. For a while weed made me annoyingly philosophical and see things as a lot more profound than they actually were, but after several years it just made me hungry/horny/sleepy like someone else said. I quit at 27 after 12 years of almost daily use. Cold turkey. Only withdrawl symptoms were emotional rather than physical and were in the first 3 months of quitting. I'm happy to be totally sober now for 3 years, including alcohol (which I never really used that much anyway) and 5 years after quitting weed (I'm 32). My health is a lot better but that's less the weed and more that I eat better/exercise. I have a kid now so I can't really fuck around anymore. Most of my fucking around is done on the internet.


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Heblo everyone it's the furry anon again

I'm going to be getting high with a homie of mine and raiding a burger king


Alright, have fun with that.




I wish I had some weed on me right now.


Just go to the weed store and get a $5 gram of shake.


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me personally, it tends to make me extremely paranoid, my thoughts will start to flow uncontrollably and in all directions at once, and I'll start hallucinating. however I suspect that the way weed affects me is atypical and I still do it anyways because the terror is kind of fun.


Yes 420 weed day and Hitlers birthday. Remember every blunt you light up is for the legalization of weed across the world and the celebration of the fuhrers birthday.


Literally who?


>Literally who?
A random autistic bad loser, don't worry about him, he is dead and his legacy is dust, while weed will last a thousand years.


I miss 420chan



This would be funnier if Stalinist didn't spend the 80 years accusing the west of being all Nazis.


Bringing this guy up is a classic Mossad tactic. Netanyahu was on record in 2015 blaming him (and somehow Palestinians in general) more than Hitler for the holocaust.


Anon, you're engaging with a literal hasbarat troll, these roaches have been infesting imgboards ever since they escalated their genocide on Palestinians, everytime you see someone bringing up this meme mufti rest assured it's JIDF, just ignore it and report it


Furry anon has returned

I got my frend high for the first time, and he's an unironic CHVD - jawline and everything



Cannabis is counterrevolutionary. Don't have much of it.


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If weed didn't turn me schizophrenic then LSD should be fine too, right?


oh you know im celebrating 4/20 the classic way.. thats right im having wine with a nice fettuccine alfredo




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SÉX with 420chan

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