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Reading about "great men" in history has left me with the impression that most of these people are really fucking easy to influence. They eventually grew isolated from the general masses and had to rely on a select and curated inner circle that could influence them to do whatever the fuck they wanted as long as they remained in the leader's favour. Seen in this vein lot of the "erratic" leaders in history like H*tler, Peron, Stalin, Trump, etc weren't actually schizophrenic, they were just influenced by their entourage of friends and relatives who all represented the interest of different classes and lobbies. Like Peron's "changing" ideology can probably be attributed less to his actual beliefs and more to the changes in his entourage; when he married with Eva who had a working class background his policies were solidly leftists, after he got married to Isable who was a Francoite hanger-on and started surrounding himself with retards like Lopez Rega his policies started to shift heavily right.
You can literally change the course of history by sucking up to a socially awkard dictator and wormhole your way into friend circle. This is the true great man theory


you arent immune to the influence of your environment


The power of selection is called "Providence" and its what makes History possible in the first place. Its funny to see losers on the internet mock great men when they will never be remembered in the first place, so where does truth lay outside of myth, even if its self-mythology? Next you'll complain about alexander the great or julius caesar, but thats your own impotence talking.
Leftists mock warriors but praise intellectuals as giving history meaning. Ah, see the shape of the spirit burgeon once more from its self-denial!



Correct analysis of Peronism, it irritates me to see the polcomp tier memes about how quirky Peronism is. Read The Destruction of Reason by Georg Lukács and Blood In My Eye by George Jackson


Hitler got his political career started by acting as an informant for the police. Being a controlled glowie is not something to be proud of. Same with ᴉuᴉlossnW who was being financed by MI6 in order to oppose the socialists to keep Italy in WW1.


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Making a somebody out of nobodies is the process im talking about. A man is not self-created but made to be great by History. The Will is divine, but still flows through worldly powers, which is how it achieves its realisation.
>great men making evil
Great men are avatars for the gods who are themselves beyond good and evil. But power in Thelema is an element like any other so must flow likewise. You must make yourself a vessel for this power of magnetism to attract success.
Some are chosen, and some fall away, like the names written in the lamb's book of life.
So Der Fuehrer and Il Duce were hustlers? Why is being some smelly prole any more prideful? You are like an insect with your respective facelessness. Will Time keep your name?


Would a God fail? I don't see no third Reich.


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I used to be a diehard marxist in theory but i realised that my heart is fascist, and i was living in denial. I also fell down the "dialectics" rabbit hole snd connected it to my occult studies, and so i transcended any pretenses to "materialism" which i scarcely ever believed in.
Ive been posting on this platform since the 8chan days, so im not a /pol/ tourist or anything.
I dont think you can convert people politically, since "politics" (meta-politics) isnt "theoretical", but concerns our weltenschauung (worldview) in how we fundamentally orient ourselves toward reality.
>why do i post here
Ive been posting recently with the nazi flag cos ive been bored. But today is my last day since i have made a ritual for Der Fuehrer's birthday.
The power in the third reich was the Black Sun, which never dies. Der Fuehrer's power was just one aspect of its endless multiplicity, like heraclitus' self-multiplying Logos.
In truth, the whole "you killed the men, not the idea" meme is true, but its not "national socialism" as a politics, but the power of Satan that all fascists possess and which self-organises into its providential tradition in the third reich.


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>I used to be a diehard marxist in theory but i realised that my heart is fasc-… AAAAAAAACCCCCCKKKKKKKKKK


why does the occult appeal to you, and what does it actually do you for you?


Hitler or Stalin for that matter is not Alexander the Great or Julius Caesar or Genghis Khan or Nader Shah or Timur Leng. None of these people you idolized resemble anything like a bronze age warrior caste; instead they are poets (Stalin), painters (Hitler) with an especially cerebral focus on ideology and aesthetic. You can see the difference between Nerds like Hitler, Himmler and Goebbels with their focus on rhetoric and occultims and compare them with actual warriors like Goring who was, in true knightly fashion, more interested in dressing up and collecting relics than any of the crazy shit Himmler was on.
It was the masses, the millions of soldiers, workers, slaves, and so on, who moved the course of history in both the Nazi regime and the USSR. That is where the true Will is dispersed. Your projection about Hitler is nothing more than a violent lashing out to summon the spirit of old bronze age warriors; but just like how BAP for all of his "madness" ended up as a mere milquetoast defender of Neoliberal radlib imperialism, all these talk about "the black sun' and the hero's journey merely ended up looking like asskissing of mediocre rulers. First as tragedy, then as farce.


based. it's like listening to
>last year I was libertarian then during the summer I became more anarchist then my big sister got me into Bernie


>hi im a pedophile
oh ok.

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