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>randomly checked the socials of a childhood crush i had 14 years ago but never got the courage to confess to her
>she's now a huge Ryan Gosling fangirl with a boyfriend who owns a sport car
i did this to myself


>Ryan Gosling fangirl
I'm confused. Am I supposed to feel bad for you because you dodged a bullet?


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you coulda fixed her before it's too late


fixing people is a stupid meme. Same dumb fantasy that make some girls enamored with literal serial killers, variant of the damsel in distress trope.
>Maybe I can redeem/fix/save them
No you won't. The flaws are here to stay. You get accustomed to them at best.



reminiscing time

i remember when i was in middle school, and i didn't know anyone, kept all day alone in class doing homework at the very last minute before break ended and the teacher demands it, that's when i met her for the first time, we were at the same class, she sat besides my chair and asked how I'm doing, if she could help me with the homework. I didn't even ask for help first or anything, so she'd take it and finish it for me quickly. she always had the best grades and everyone talked about her in a good way.

As the months went by, she began to do other things, like give a homework of her own to train on, ask if there's anything i don't understand, and share her mom's snacks with me. gave me her phone number, when she was playing in the schoolyard, she would always ask me when break starts to not stay alone and come play football with her. and always greeted me with a smile.

one time i keep recalling too much is when we were sitting together alone in class, talking about a show, and out of the blue she continued to pat my head and pushed me to her shoulder for a minute or so with a hug, i didn't know what to think or say but i found it embarrassing because she was taller than me and i didn't want anyone to see me. so i gently pushed her. even though i didn't want to.

i really don't know what happened to her next, we always ended up in the same classes and the same school after that, she was always besides me but then she became different, more on her phone and with her friends. she slowly stopped talking to me until i felt like she ghosted me.

so i followed her after school and asked her about it, she said that even though she liked me, many of her female friends were teasing her about it and making rumors which made her sometimes cry, and between her image and me, she chose her image. among other things that i don't want to remember, that was the last time we really spoke.

if you are still reading this, i don't think it was meant to be.


Do women find Ryan Gosling attractive? I though he was put in movies for the "no homo" demographics.


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women love him for his looks, men love him because they want to self insert


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Goosling plays both sides. He made three incel pictures, Blade Runner, Drive, Lars And The Real Girl(although this one was more about incels thsn for them, why I've never seen them literally me that movie.)

But he also makes pictures for the ladies, Barbie obviously but he actually first came to fame with a for the ladies romance drana.


>if you are still reading this, i don't think it was meant to be.


she was built for bbc anyways she wouldnt have liked you



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>Makes the first move
>Plays soccer

OP you were this close to getting a tomboy


Ladies want a hotcel




*gives you a slimy kiss with my dried out, crusty lips*


don't torture him


bro, you're giving up way too easily. is the relationship 2 months or 2 years long? whatever, someday she WILL fight with her boyfriend and that's where you start working. remind her that you exist, be friends but not too friendly, make some self-improvement in other areas of your life, even focus on some other girls but never stop thinking about her


bait used to be believable


This is what I do. Any day now…


Eat shit weeb


I'm too desperate to reject this bait


that's a negative affirmation right there if there ever was one anon. you can make that a lie


nah m8 im just toxic tbh


Unless you got a cluster B personality disorder it aint gonna pan out.



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eat shit weeb

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