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spurred by a random conversation I had concerning censorship, I had a realization with maybe deeper implications.

you have a privilege. you abuse that privilege. the privilege is taken away.

it's a formula that I'm sure is familiar to anyone who was a kid, but what if that formula is applicable to socio-political life in general?

let us say there was a right to basically unlimited free speech. everything was fine and well until some couldn't help but abuse this right by uttering slurs at every opportunity. this understandably gets a plurality of some others pissed off. the right is soon taken away, and those who abused it cry.

how much of the shit rightists whine about is a result of none other than their own recklessness?

would something like loli hentai ever become such a hot topic if the rejects who enjoyed it just shut the fuck up and kept it to themselves, instead of recklessly spreading memes about it for the whole internet to see?

I think this realization is revealing. it does away with the binary moralism of "is it ok to censor X" and instead looks at it in a similar fashion to historical materialism, that is, abuse has consequences, sociologically. the master that abuses his slaves may eventually happen upon a vengeful slave that will return the abuse.

but why do people abuse their privilege? why do people self-snitch? why is that phenomenon of a criminal bragging about his crimes a thing? it's easy to see why the ruling class pursues short-sighted interest. in the long-term it appears as self-sabotage, yet we know that the ruling class has no choice, such is economics. as Marx put it, the ropes revolutionaries will use to execute their enemies will have been produced by the very same enemies.

someone can maybe put these thoughts in a more intelligent manner.

interestingly, the rightist I tried explaining this to couldn't grasp the concept, defaulting to non-sequiturs of typical talking points, totally missing what I was trying to communicate. perhaps there is something in the mind of the rightist that makes grasping the concept nearly impossible, similarly how it is nearly impossible for a big capitalist to grasp the appeal of communism (in the case of the capitalist, their power depends on them not understanding it.)


>would something like loli hentai ever become such a hot topic if the rejects who enjoyed it just shut the fuck up and kept it to themselves, instead of recklessly spreading memes about it for the whole internet to see?

I get what you're saying but why should the outcasts need to hide themselves, to live in fear? It's not like I advertise my fetishes everywhere but groups like furries have seen great success through exposure, once upon a time being a furry in public would have you chased out but nowadays it's practically mainstream.


>you have a privilege. you abuse that privilege. the privilege is taken away.
taken away by whom?


>nowadays it's practically mainstream
heavy disagree. but that's anecdotes.
the powers that be, for the purpose of maintaining the fabric of the social contract?


rightoids operate on a more primal level
when they talk about freedom. its about doing a fart in a elevator with other people and laughing at other peoples misery.


leftists shouldnt be using vague moralist terms like freedom in the first place


Sorry to say but it's the truth… Rightoids have the money so we must discuss about that stupid concept… like it or not


And they'll call the cops if anyone else fart in the elevator.


I get your point, but it‘s rather that the socially agreed upon limits of the thing in question hadn‘t been fully articulated yet because a scenario was overlooked until then. I‘m pretty sure the same people who frown upon loli hentai or don‘t think you should use slurs all the time already would have disagreed with that but they simply weren‘t aware of it until they were confronted with the scenario. After all, what‘s the point of supporting absolute free speech when you already disagreed with using slurs all the time? The simple answer is that they hadn‘t considered that scenario yet.


>frown upon loli hentai or don‘t think you should use slurs all the time
Very comparable things.


Good point, slurs are pretty damn hurtful.


That's what I meant…


>After all, what‘s the point of supporting absolute free speech when you already disagreed with using slurs all the time?
I support legalizing recreational drugs, but I don't support people taking them. No contradiction, kiddo!


>I think this realization is revealing
Exactly! Our modern political institutions and even the very concept of childrearing function like a prison would.


very solipsistic when you put it like that.
privilege could be "natural", born of circumstances. for example, imagine coming across a bag with a million dollars. that is likely someone else's money but you can take it. what happens next depends on how conspicuous you act. you show off your wealth, people become suspicious, the origin of this wealth is investigated by the authorities. that the money is someone else's, doesn't change that the opportunity to take it is a privilege. no social consensus or social design particular to the bag (that is to say, nobody put the bag there for you to take on purpose), is necessary to enjoy the benefits. simply existing in capitalism with the bag coincidentally is enough. it's an emergent privilege.
all forms of social organization are comparable to a prison, the design of prisons is "inspired" by them.

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