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File: 1713732423682-1.jpg (67.14 KB, 1100x782, tea-tree-oil.jpg)


Step 1: Buy a dry herb vaporizer like the crafty+ by storz and bickel. It must have an adjustable tempurature.
Step 2: buy lavender buds, tea tree oil, and blue lotus or whatever other herb you want to vape with the lavender. Do NOT mix lavender with weed or nicotine - they wont vaporize at the tempurature required for lavender to be safe.
Step 3: bathe in tea tree oil a couple of times per week. Mix the lavender with the blue lotus and vaporize them at 140° Celsius (or 284 Fahrenheit). Vape whenever you want.
Tea tree oil and lavender both have estrogenic effects on the body. Combine it with a testosterone blocker, preferably bicalutamide, for best results.
Tea tree oil has antifungal and anti UTI effects. It's great for baths but you could probably vape it just like any other essential oil. It burns if you bathe long enough. You'll want to shower after you bathe to wash the bathwater off. The shower doesnt need to take a long time at all since you'll already be clean though.
Lavender makes you relax. It shouldnt be vaped above 140°C though because that causes the terpenes to convert into toxic fumes. It must be mixed with something unless you enjoy the flavor of pure mint.
Blue lotus is an anti-psychotic with effects similar to CBD, although it does make aches and pains more noticable. It helps you lucid dream btw if you vape before bed.
Optional: get a pregnant horse to pee into a bucket so you can dry the pee into premarin salts, a combination of progesterone and estradiol.
Problem, pharmaceutical industry?


love ya


Also just to be clear vaping something that burns your skin like tea tree oil probably wouldnt be very fun if ingested in your lungs. But im not gonna try it out to see if that's true.


or i can just get a bag of raw estradiol


That works too but ive never played with prefab chemicals like those


It sounds like a really bad idea to me, vaporizing anything in oil form is kind of a big no-no imho. People just use hash oil bc it's cheaper than herb. Blue lotus/lavender sounds very nice. I will try that just for fun, I don't believe hot flower air will make me a woman.
Pls be careful with essential oils, they are a p rough chemical extraction


All vape liquids are oils.


it's fairly easy, i'm kind of a retard and i managed to do it


That's not true, please be careful. Propylene glycol/glycerin (not oil) with nicotine is not the same as vaporizing almost pure hash oil, and neither are the same as vaporizing an irritating extraction like tea tree oil. Vaping dry herb out of a volcano comes out very differently from vaping hot hash oil, which is itself full of liquid smoke and other leftover hydrocarbons from the combustion during the extraction, depends on the method I'm sure. But BHO and PHO fuck people up, even CO2 oil does.
Even if you just inhale PURE HOT AIR it can BURST YOUR ALVEOLI or irritate them, wearing them out and reducing the surface area of your lungs. It also stuns the villi in your lungs, which constantly brush off debris you inhale, for several days.


>>526137 (me)
Also what dry herb vape are you using? I still have been using this Dynavap product that doesn't even have any electrics on it. I have to use my weird little jet lighter that's like a mini blow torch on it.
I'm in the market for one I mean not the hijack the thread


To hell with caution. This thread is what i personally do for hormone therapy since paying for hrt has become an impossibility for me


File: 1713770879407.png (473.85 KB, 1724x1446, ClipboardImage.png)

wtf is this? is this one of those things where transphobes trick desperate trans people into poisoning themselves for feminization?
if ur really desperate, buy estradiol from hubei vanzpharm or another made-in-china.com vendor and homebrew gel or injections


your guide sounds like it would be more expensive than just regular hrt tbh
here from /tttt/? this is shay, the queen of 'beria


i know who shay is
anyone can post with that shitty flag


nuh uh, i believe there's only one person posting on a given flag on this anonymous imageboard


There's a minecraft mod where you do the horse pee thing to get a celeste dash.


Just buy diy injectable hrt. It's not that fucking hard and it actually works.


I’m glad I was born female, this seems like a lot of work

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