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oh dear nakedy………


Let's say you'd want to illegally migrate to the US.
Is it true that you can overstay your visa, without federal agents coming to look for you?

Let's just say you're from a country where can enter visa-free into the US, that is not from the common illegal immigrant countries of origin ;)
How do you get a job, rent a place, or get a drivers license without social security, official documentation and other things, all those millions upon millions of illegal immigrants residing in the US must be getting income, sending their kids to school, live in some apartment or even own real estate somehow. And the US is car-centric so you need a drivers license and car. How do they get their stuff, do they fake it?

Where do they fake their stuff? Is there some secret counterfeiting ring inside the US or do they get their falsified documents in their home country before they come to the US? You can't walk up to your local org (criminals) and ask for a fake drivers license. Do they know somebody who knows somebody? How does one get to know somebody who knows somebody?

No, I'm not a glowie, I don't want to know the exact location of your personal counterfeit dealer, thanks. Just want to know the process :)


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Yeah there are places where you can buy stolen identities for these things. People use social social security numbers to get jobs. Otherwise you will have to go down to home depot or something.

I dunno how would go about getting one, dark web, or get in good with somepeople who use those kind of services.

Renting you might find someone who is subletting on the dl so they aren't gonna be running credit checks and all that.


A good chunk of illegals in the US don't have cars or social security and work with very shady entities who cover up their presence. Those who do usually knows people who knows people back in their homeland or has contact with some migrant agencies though. A lot of them are also people who just overstays their visa

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