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Systemic racism comes from capitalism but not racism as such, like I could kill an ethnic right now if I didn't care about the consequences.


Another bad post by a tor user


sorry :(


lol, he's right but it's simplified


He's absolutely right. That's why contemporary elites try to dilute the problem by pointing at attitudes, not the systemic problem behind them


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>All the problems in the world are just capitalism
>I made it up


Your based actions are a result of systemic racism, an "ethnic" would mean nothing to you if it didn't already have an implanted image in your mind. Race is a social construct created by the system, hence all racism is "systemic racism".


>Systemic racism comes from capitalism but not racism as such,
<anarchism flag
literally every foundational anarchist philosopher was a Jew hating proto-nazi lol


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this is a classic wittgenstein language game issue. in popular colloquial language, people use "racism" to refer to interpersonal prejudice. But in Academic/Marxists circles, people use "racism" to refer to systems of discrimination that are downstream from economics and arise out of the mode of production. Thus there is confusion when one party wishes to speak informally about interpersonal prejudice using "racism" and another party wishes to speak academically about systemic injustice using "racism."

One solution might be for all parties to be more clear on definitions, but in fast moving conversation this emphasis on definitions can be seen as pedantic, annoying, or even slow-witted. We are capable of making more distinctions and being more nuanced, but it is difficult to expand our vocabulary to match what is inside our heads without coining neologisms all the time. Language is social and cultural so even if we were to make up new words to encapsulate the distinctions we are trying to make, they wouldn't catch on without mass adoption.


That's why it's not enough to be a communist; we also have to be anarchists.


>literally every foundational anarchist philosopher was a Jew hating proto-nazi lol
Anarchism is as old as people, same as communism. The fact that a lot of anarchists (and communists btw) were antisemites is simply a reflection of Europe's social conditions. If the modern socialist movement had first emerged in Africa, SW Asia, or China then socialism wouldn't have that historical baggage (it would have different historical baggage specific to those places).


<we should improve society somewhat
>but you hold views imposed upon you by society

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