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I’m so glad they were killed




File: 1713783716202.jpg (180.25 KB, 1350x1600, teourunru9k41.jpg)


File: 1713784619074.webm (Spoiler Image, 2.14 MB, 1280x720, romanoffed coom.webm)


Best day of my life.





File: 1713802887299.mp4 (1.73 MB, 480x480, mautism.mp4)

Remember when the widely acclaimed speaker, writer, journalist, and political analyst Caleb Maupin said that?


this is why breadtube-cia coalition destroyed his career. the truth had to be hidden


Fuck off Leninhat



File: 1713814281176.webm (11.97 MB, 360x360, leninhat_speech.webm)


We should reinstate the Romanov family to the throne so we can kill them again.


File: 1713824307420-0.jpg (171.96 KB, 985x554, 1700643689118-1.jpg)

You will destroy your three century old monarchy
and democracyfag like the West
and you will be happy.


There’s been a 2 year documented campaign on this board where a handful of people find joy in posting about the Romanovs having been killed and I’m wondering if it’s some 4chan psyop to make communists look unhinged or some fed op.


they have no hiers bro


look at the bright side, there are much more older monarchies that survived and seem fine, Japan and morroco


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i cry everytiem


I think it’s the same person who impersonates Leninhat and then posts about Romanovs all the time. Weird shit tbh


there's one guy who satirizes the "real" leninhat but it's obvious, but the "real" leninhat either always was satire (of a more subtle variety), or like you said, stopped posting and then got impersonated by a romanov-obsessed weirdo



Whats wrong with celebrating the death of the Romanovs? I hope similar happens for the Winsors, Yamatos, Saudis etc.


Well because they are our fellow humans. If we start killing people because they behave according to what their material interests dictate them to do should we start killing every labour aristocrat, petit-bourgeoisie, landlord, etc? Billions Must Die but Leftist?


It's a big leap from petit-bourgeois to monarch. I want to ally with the petit-bourgeois and the labour aristocracy, if I can. I'm saying maybe a hundred of the most vile have to die. Hopefully in public executions :D


They do have heirs. Some of them were married not long ago with a big ceremony in Russia.


I miss the real Leninhat. He almost convinced me not to get vaccinated.
>I want to ally with the petit-bourgeois and the labour aristocracy
S poster is class collaborationist and Deng's strongest soldier, confirmed.


Cope and seethe


>there's one guy who satirizes the "real" leninhat
There's more than one. Anybody can do it.


t. impostor


> I want to ally with the petit-bourgeois and the labour aristocracy, if I can
Marx spoke against alliances with the petit-bourgeoisie


What episode is this from?

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