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If you believe the ancients every single conflict happened because of sex. Rome became a republic because the royal heir raped someone, the Trojan war happened because a guy ran off with someone's wife, and Israel descended into a civil war because a prince was pissed off about his sister being raped by their half-brother. There is no heroic conflict in the Mythical era that happened because, i don't know , a king decided to tax the priests too much without giving them political representation.


>Chronos was killed by Zeus because his wife refused to abort him.
>One of Aphrodite's defining traits is her perpetual adultery and punishing people by leading them to commit incest.
>Cassandra was cursed by Apollo because she didn't want to have sex with him.
>Half of all Greek myths are just wacky stories about Zeus seducing someone and the how the lives of his children turned out.
>The Medusa and Arachne myths are anti-femcel propaganda.
>Sisyphus was punished because he tied up Death in his wine cellar and they had GAY SÉX.


absolute dogshit. read Samir Amin for his analysis of ancient tributary modes of production in West Asia, India, and China. read Graeber and Mike Hudson for stuff about ancient monetary systems


Trojan War stated because the hottest piece of ass in the greek world was a cheating whore.
Achilles refused to fight because the king stole his sex slave.


doki doki waku waku


>every single conflict happened because of sex
*property ownership rights
Under ruling class capitalist ideology, women are sex slave objects that can be traded around like cattle. That's why we talk about "animal HUSBANDry"


>doesn't mention that Aphrodite was literally born from the coom of Uranus


If you think about it, property ownership rights are kind of like sex.


>That's why we talk about "animal HUSBANDry"
Anon that's just English being weird and has no actual ties to the domestication of animals which occurred thousands of years before Anglos even existed

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