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/siberia/ - Off-topic

"No chin, no right to speak."
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siberia archives


which one are you most guilty of?
which done triggers you the most?
which one don't you give a fuck about?
which one would you marry?
which one would you fuck?
which one would you kill?


>which one are you most guilty of?
slippery slope
>which done triggers you the most?
Red Herring
>which one don't you give a fuck about?
ecological fallacy
>which one would you marry?
Vacuous Truth just to unnerve people
>which one would you fuck?
sex is for neanderthals, fuck that
>which one would you kill?
Red Herring


>sex is for neanderthals, fuck that
i'm happy that you're asexual and are able to avoid what most people go through but I assure you we aren't dumb, we're just made that way.


>we aren't dumb, we're just made that way.
special pleading

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